All Topics / Finance / Postcode restricted in country areas

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  • Profile photo of montrose

    I am having difficulty finding a lender who does 80@ LVR in postcode areas, 2804, 2805. Can anyone recommend a lender.

    Please note, I am not interested in dealimg with the mortgage brokers who troll this site looking for leads!!


    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    You have just alienated many of the experts who provide willing advice.

    Good luck,

    Simon Macks
    Mortgage Broker
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of Terryw


    I don’t want your business, but will let you know that PMI will insure loans for up to 95% in these areas. Are you sure the post code is the problem?? Or maybe the property is rural or is an expensive one.

    Discover Home Loans
    North Sydney

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
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    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of Still in SchoolStill in School
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,844

    Hi Montrose,

    Im not sure what you have against the mortgage brokers on this site, but these guys are helpful and can help you in the right direction… saying you dont want there help, is up to you…. but i know many and myself who are dealing and working with some of the great guys on this forum but also what help and knowledge they can offer and provide….

    my 2 cents…


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of melbear

    I hate to say it Montrose, but I’m not even a Mortgage Broker, and upon reading your post I asked myself why they would want to help you with your attitude?

    If you’ve spent any time on this site at all you would have seen that they’ve offered so much help that will not ‘directly’ benefit them, and if you had asked your question without your little ‘dig’ you probabaly would have got your answer quite happily, with no ill feeling.

    I doubt the ones that post on here regularly need to resort to contacting everybody that mentions finance anyway. I can’t speak for the ones that do just read rather than contribute.


    Profile photo of wrappackwrappack
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 182

    Just my 2cents worth.

    Why not go at things a little bit creatively (Wish I knew this when I was buying my first home!)

    Why not make your offer, subject to the vendor financing you 20% of the purchase price? After all, if they are cash strapped, you walk away and they lose a buyer, if they say yes, then you get the house, and probably save a grand or two on the LMI! (vendor takes on a second mortgage)

    People are more willing to VF if they i) do not need all the cash now, ii) retirees looking for “investment” income iii) know you, like you,

    (Perhaps Tony’s posting came through a little bit harsher than it was intended?- the perils and pitfalls of emails perhaps?)

    Profile photo of TeacherK6TeacherK6
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 164

    Spot on Simon, Melbear and SIS,

    U ask for help, but not from the people who are able to give it to u for free…

    Would you walk into a car wrecking yard looking for a part, only to end your request with “but not from your stinking joint”

    Im sure they well tell you where to go…..

    Many of the brokers here give good advice, and i know where ill be looking for a broker next time i need one…


    try the yellow pages….

    Profile photo of montrose

    Thanks for everyone’s reply. Gee it seems that many people are very thined skinned.

    Lets face it, the regular mortgage brokers using this site do so to generate business. Most of them advertise the fact that they are mortgage broker in their email address?

    I was under the opinion that this site was not for ‘business gain’ or advertising purposes.
    Also, how many times do you see a brokers reply to a matter raised for discussion, end by saying contact me???

    Why carn’t the so called free advice they give just be posted by them, without reference to the fact that they are a broker by their email address,, etc???

    I stand by my opinion that they troll this site for leads and that is plainly obvious.

    This site is for borrowers to discuss finance options and matters, not to provide certain regular brokers with their leads!.[V]



    Profile photo of melbear

    So Montrose, who do you think you’ll get the info from if not Mortgage Brokers? Borrowers can discuss finance options etc., but we have nowhere near the knowledge of products that these guys have.

    And once again, does not ‘trolling for leads’ imply that they ‘chase’ the people. When they say ‘contact me’ there’s nothing pointing a gun at your head saying you have to, and I’ve spoken/emailed with several of them who have been more than happy to give me info without asking for any business from me. In fact, when I did approach one of them to source a loan, he directed me to someone he knows in my locality, with no kickback for him whatsoever.

    If you read the forum rules, advertising in your signature is allowed, but no other form. I have no problem with any brokers, accountants etc. stating that they are in their signature blocks. It makes it easier to then understand where they are coming from, and if you like what they say in their posts, could be someone you would like to add to your team.

    A lot of people would prefer not to ‘air their dirty linen’ by stating their complete financials on the site, and that is often why the guys suggest to contact them for a more detailed confidential analysis.


    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter


    I am not going to dispute your opinions. In fact I defend your right to have and air them.

    However it will please you to learn that you should no longer see brokers, real estate agents, buyers agents or others coming on merely to advise their services. The other moderators and myself will be deleting posts from people like this who don’t freely offer useful advice.

    I have probably deleted a dozen such posts in the last few weeks and those people have stopped posts like that. I hope it is improving the usefulness of the forum.

    If I miss one please do not hesitate to email me and point it out.

    There is nothing wrong with folks providing an email address and stating what service or product they deal with in their signature. What is not allowed is the blatant selling of themselves that we have all seen in the past.

    I trust this helps,

    Simon Macks
    Mortgage Broker
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of montrose


    Thanks for your reply. You seemed a little peeved that I dare air my view on this topic.[}:)

    To answer your question, I was assuming that others who have sourced loans for properties in certain postcode areas might be able to share that information.

    Remember, this is NOT a mortgage broker Forum,[B)] but a forum where borrowers can discuss and assist others.[:D

    It just seems to me that it has been hi-jacked by the mortgage brokers!!



    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    You know when I was first on this forum I was a little frightened by some of the well intentioned advice being given by one inexperienced investor to another. Some of the stuff I was reading was plainly illegal.

    I think the forum would benefit from a few more professionals other than brokers who can give of their experience. Perhaps some agents, solicitors and accountants would be great.

    Of course they need to identify themselves in their signature so that people can weigh up the advice being given as being from a professional.

    What do others think?

    Simon Macks
    Mortgage Broker
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of montrose


    I completely agree with your thoughts on this. Especially, as these days, Accountants and Solicitors offer a in-house mortgage brokering service.



    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter


    You really got it against brokers haven’t you. Were you bitten by one as a child?


    Simon Macks
    Mortgage Broker
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of Stuart WemyssStuart Wemyss
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 598

    Hi Montrose

    I think I am a good example. I am a mortgage broker. I try and offer advice as much as I can. I don’t advertise the fact that I am a mortgage broker because I don’t want any business from this site. (Please don’t think I’m blowing my own trumpet. I’m just providing an example)

    It’s disappointing that you are so cynical that you don’t want to accept advice from people that are willing to help you without wanting anything in return.

    Just because the Mortgage Hunter (and others) advertise that they are broker does not mean that they want your business.



    Profile photo of crjcrj
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 618

    Why don’t you just speak to the banks or credit unions with branches in Canowindra or Gooloogong

    Profile photo of Terryw

    Back to the topic, Tony, did you find a lender?

    Discover Home Loans
    North Sydney

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
    Email Me

    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of diclemdiclem
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 537

    Hi Montrose and everyone,
    I was bitten by a mortgage broker early last year. It was a nasty bite, leaving a deep scar.
    I swore black & blue that I would never use a broker again………
    However, after being on this sight for several months now my opinion has changed. I have read the many posts by Simon and the others and I find that some Mortgage brokers might actually know what they are talking about….[:o)] Their advice is straightforward and easy to understand, they generously give up their time and are unbeleivably easy-going on novices (like me) when we ask simple and repetitive questions.
    I am looking to refinance in the next month or so and I will be using a mortage broker….
    Just my two cents worth,
    Sue [:o)]

    “Be careful not to step on the flowers when you’re reaching for the stars”

    Profile photo of GeronimoGeronimo
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 167

    Shouldn’t this post be in the ‘Opinionated’ section?


    Acute Mortgage Reductions
    ‘Better Finance for More Homes Sooner’

    Profile photo of maxhugenmaxhugen
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 21

    Just a quick tip for everyone apart from montrose (he might take exception to us “trolls” [}:)

    ING took an application for a locality which shared Taree’s postcode only to drop it at the last moment when they discovered belatedly that the locality wasn’t on their list!

    Max Hugen
    Alpha Financial
    Residential & Commercial Loans
    02 9560 3061

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