so Steve provides you with this website to learn from, and you don’t want to cough up to buy something that’ll help you… calling yourself stingy is selling yourself way short.
You a doing yourself a huge injustice by not buying this “E” book (not available in a library) it is a fabulous resource that I am still using 12 months later. Plus at the moment I think you get a huge bonus of tapes with it – I didn’t get that!
Also if you are going to avoid paying for something don’t advertise on the sellers website for it!
Leigh K[]
Investment unit for sale – includes a rental guarentee.
What can I say????? I cant believe that someone would advertise this on the same website provided by the same guy that produced Buyer Beware. Either your stinginess is out of control, or u have balls of solid steel and have no empathy for others work. Hmmmmmm I wonder how many people u copied from in school………LOL
Regards Bear
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i’m heaps stingy and don’t wanna buy “buyer beware” can anyone give me a copy to loan or to keep? or even just the templates?
If you don’t have money to invest in Steve’s Buyer Beware then I am sure you don’t have money for building inspection’s report, pest inspection’s report when it fall through and therefore you don’t have money to invest in property.
Stingy, but not shame of yourself…..sad…
Warm Regards
[Keep going, you’re on your way to financial freedom]
It is titled ‘Lender beware’ and it describes my personal experiences when in the past I lent books.
In essence the main message is that when one lends someone a book one of two things are likely to happen :
1. it will never be returned
2. it will be returned damaged with either dogears or with a lot of the text having been underlined and/or notes having been written in the margin.
When i try and open the ebook offline, it opens up but when i go and click on the screen, it opens a little box saying to enter my username and password, and that i have to be online so that it can verify my username.
When i get online it then tells me it is incorrect and to contact the author.
I forgot to mention i’ve reinstalled Windows since i initially installed the ebook reader. When i first tried to open the ebook i had to choose from a list of software because the ebook reader wasn’t installed. I then downloaded it and now it’s saying the username is incorrect. Do you think this has affected the registry or something?