All Topics / Help Needed! / Please Advise

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  • Profile photo of Tring

    Hello All;

    Please give me some advise regarding the following:

    I have bought an IP three months ago which will be settled tomorrow. (the property already tenanted when I bought it)
    On weekend when I did a final inspection, the tenant told me and the RE agent that he has spoken to the previous owner about the problem of the gate a month ago, (the post sinks a bit and made it hard to lock).
    Can you advise if it is my responsibility to fix the gate or the previous owner? Because when I bought it the gates were still in good working order, and its only become a problem a month ago.

    Thank you all in advance.

    Profile photo of LarelleLarelle
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 10

    I am propbably coming in way too late for this answer, as I would suspect that you have already settled, but the same thing happened to me, but as the seller. The airconditioner in the house that I was selling decided to play up 4 days before settlement. The purchaser was informed of this through the tenant, and the purchasers solicitor told me to have it fixed by settlement. I could have refused, but if the purchasers wanted to get nasty, apparently they can hold the settlement up by years over that sort of thing…..So the short and curlies of it all is I believe that you could have demanded the post be fixed, or have an appropriate amount held over for repairs at settlement.
    ………….I was too late wasn’t I?
    CHEERS Larelle


    Profile photo of Tring

    Hello Larelle;

    Thanks for your tip.
    No you are not too late.


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