All Topics / General Property / SE Qld, Paddington vs Ipswich

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  • Profile photo of kjd_pic

    Hey all,

    My first post and forum so be kind.
    Am considering getting into SEQ for expected growth. Paddington/Auchy/Towwong is one option but rental return is sooo low however growth seems a good chance.

    An alternate strategy is to look at Ipswich, hoping for similar growth %, but much smaller buy price and a stronger rental market.

    Any thoughts?

    Profile photo of Indifference

    I grew up in SEQ & so have a ‘stigma’ I can not shake in regards to Ipswich… but that probably equates to me missing some good opportunities.

    I prefer areas to the north east of Brisbane. Why?

    Close to or on the bay, good commute to CBD, train to Shorncliffe, and the Peninsula is just too attractive to pass up.

    As for Toowong/St Lucia/Indooropilly… you need to tie up a large sums of money for relatively small returns. But, I am new to all this and just starting so I still trust the number crunching.

    …emotion clouds good judgement but is a defining element of character.

    Profile photo of kjd_pic


    Yes I have family in Toowong and they reaqlly have it in for Ipswich also. “end of the earth” etc – no offence to the good folk of Ipswich.

    Seems to have some parrallel to Campbelltown here in Sydney – which BTW has seen 20%+ returns for a couple of years now and continues to be strong.

    Given the expected massive increase in population coming to SEQ, I was thinking about Ipswich as an option. (yes – Toowong and inner city is just not value). Can you point to suburbs on the northside to research??

    Profile photo of Indifference

    A lot of the inner suburbs have already experienced tremendous growth over the last few years so it depends on budget really…

    I still think Redcliffe Peninsula is worth investigating. No rail there but that is part of the appeal as it is on the bay. Particularly Clontarf.

    As for closer in suburbs, I like Ferny Hills/Grove (end of rail line), Alderley, Ashgrove.

    There are many trendy suburbs but they are places like Toowong…expensive with lower return prospects.

    Good Luck and this is purely my own opinion for better or worse.

    …emotion clouds good judgement but is a defining element of character.

    Profile photo of markpatric

    I had the same attitude about Ipswich but that has been corrected.
    Ipswich is expected to be one of the top performers this year.
    Still I won`t be buying there, why?, too hot, too far from Brisbane, plus I don`t like the place to be honest.
    I live a small distance out from Indooroopilly/Toowong and like the area, and while it`s gone up a lot surrounding outlying areas have caught up such as Jindalee, Riverhills etc to the point where I think Indooroopilly may move again this year, then again many are predicting most of Brisbane will.
    St Lucia is a tough call, as it`s really moved.
    Brisbane has gone up a lot, some area triple in the last few years but compared to Melb/Sydney don`t be surprised if inner city or acreage not too far out goes again in the not too distant future.
    I agree north of Brisbane is a good bet.[^]

    Profile photo of BeanieBeanie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 36

    I too grew up in Ipswich and would have to agree with the others above it is stinking hot in summer, freezing cold in winter, and there are major traffic problems with Ipswich road if you are travelling to work in Brisbane each day.The area use to rely on the surrounding mines for employment which are long gone.In my oponion the current capital growth will be short lived. However having grew up there i also like those above have a strong bias against the place.As you can probably guess from my comments above I won’t ever be returning there. Beanie

    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435

    what about the middle ring between Brisbane and Gold Coast. It has a strong growth there for the last one or two year and I believe there is room to grow. The yield is not too bad at the moment. You still be able to find 6-9% yield. It is Logan City. It was a bad area before but now now. It is getting better day by day.

    Warm Regards

    [Keep going, you’re on your way to financial freedom]

    Profile photo of queenslanderqueenslander
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 8

    Comparing Paddington with Ipswich is like chald and cheese. Have you been to these 2 suburbs? I would go with your gut feel and stick with Paddington/Toowong. These suburbs are 2-4 km from Brisbane city and properties here will always be in demand and constant growth is assured.

    Profile photo of markpatric

    Chan$ 9% in Logan, seriously, I`d jump on those real quick!.[;)]

    Profile photo of coreyJcoreyJ
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 11

    Dont forget deception bay,its going off the planet and still has plenty of room for CG for at least the next 3 years

    Profile photo of liverpoolharrykliverpoolharryk
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 28

    Brisbane lord mayor Tim Quinn can out this week and stated he wants to try and put caps on populations in certain areas. He believe the hugh migration into the North and South of Brisbane is having a major effect on number of areas; traffic, community planning etc. Wants to look at moving people west of Brisbane. Don’t know how sucessful he will be be as how can he tell people where they can live. But then again it is the Brisbane City council.

    I’m with the others not a big fan of Ipswich, to hot, to cold, to far away. Paddington although rent returns are low, GC will always be there.

    Jarrod Lane Real Estate[:)]

    Profile photo of happyjakhappyjak
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 12

    Buy Australian Property Investor magazine and read about the couple who’ve bought in Ipswich. If you can get the returns, go for it. Ipswich is set to become and extension of Brisbane like Penrith and outer areas of Sydney.

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