All Topics / General Property / deception bay

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  • Profile photo of freedomfinder

    If you read my post on PREDICABILITY one of the areas is in deception bay where ive invested a bit.
    18-24months ago department of housing through raywhite started to auction off land and prices began at 35k, every 4 months since ive seen the demand increase to 45k then 4 months again 56-60k then 70-80k and so on so the demand has been huge. A private subdivision recently auction a few blocks prior to xmas and sold for 155k range. The council have money pegged for a complete foreshore makeover which has started. My opinion is if deals were done a yaer ago you would be cf+ but now all i see is PREDICTABILITY and very good prospects for growth.

    Reagards the freedomfinder

    Profile photo of ginamarreeginamarree
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 56

    Hi, WOW Deception Bay must have changed a fair bit !!

    We used to call it Degenerate Bay[:p]
    People could just about give their houses away !!!

    Good to see that you are doing well from it[^]

    If the council spruce up the foreshore, that will be a great plus for the area and for people like yourself [:D]
    GOOD LUCK[:)]

    Profile photo of skippygirlskippygirl
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 127


    One of my best friends invested in several homes in Deception Bay 4-5 years ago and they have had spectacular growth as in 150%. Land particularly in the last 12 mths.

    Has now run most of its course, however although there is some growth left, and she should know she’s a property valuer.


    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737


    Funny how reputations have changed since the RE boom. Wollongong and Newcastle used to have a shocking reputation, and sydneysiders would say “god, why do you live *there*?” (I always loved w’gong) Now, they are considered to be wonderful coastal areas with million dollar views…

    As for many of the other CF+ places we have come to know and love… they were considered to be the pit of the earth and now they are wonderful opportunities for us! Really, the places still have the same feeling and reputation for the locals, it’s just the interstaters that have rose-coloured glasses because they haven’t grown up there.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of freedomfinder

    it was also known as depression bay

    Profile photo of happyjakhappyjak
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 12

    How I am kicking myself for selling my +vely geared property in Deception Bay 18 months ago (for $115,000 which I thought was good!). Interesting how the tide turns.

    Profile photo of BEAR1964BEAR1964
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 702

    I take it that Deception Bay is by the beach? Hence the Bay?

    Good properties can still be located near the beach with beach views for as low as $160k. Land for $30k. So it’s just a matter of moving on the next place where it hasn’t boomed yet.

    Regards Bear

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    Profile photo of abbeeabbee
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 32

    I live in Deception Bay.

    It has also been known as Depression Bay, Decrepit Bay.

    Part of the waterfront has already been refurbished.

    It is too hard now for single income earners to get into a PPOR in D’ Bay these days.


    I wouldn’t call it a beach. Just a water front.

    Profile photo of markpatricmarkpatric
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 127

    DB could definately be a winner for the right type of buy right now imo.[;)]

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