All Topics / General Property / 11 Second solution

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  • Profile photo of Dougall

    Think I’m having probs –

    eg – found property – $200,000 – most it would rent for in the area would be $160 per week – So I work out that based on the 11 second solution – all I should be paying is $80,000 for the property – am I going wrong somewhere in my numbers – because based on this example – I’d say that properties are damn expensive at present – and rents just aren’t cutting it???


    Profile photo of BEAR1964BEAR1964
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 702

    Time for some cretive thinking Dougall.

    either find a way to make the rent higher or find another area to purchase where the purchase price meets the 11sec solution. Have u read Steve’s book?

    Regards Bear

    Profile photo of JetDollars


    I guest the property that you are talking about is in the high grow area which mean it will be -ve cash flow property by holding it but will be appreciate faster then those +ve cash flow property.

    For example you won’t be able to find any +ve cash flow property anywhere in Sydney ie. meet 11 seconds solution. At this point of time if you want to find +ve cash flow property then you just have to look for some where that other have not found. I also find it hard to find the areas that said, but won’t give up until find it.

    Good luck with your investing.

    Warm Regards

    [Keep going, you’re nearly reach the end of financial freedom]

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    g’day chan – at the risk of being a smart…e.

    i love the captions at the end of your messages except the current one states ‘keep running yrour nearly at the end of financial freedom. ie if you keep running your about to enter a period of financial imprisonment….[:D

    i hope there is a sign saying wrong way go back!!![:D

    Profile photo of Dougall


    Thanks for that – and yes – I have read Steve’s book and many other books as well – and I try and be creative – but the figures just aren’t stacking up for me. And as for it be a high capital growth area, I don’t think so – well – maybe in 10/15 years it might be – the building growth has been huge and looks to be continuing for some time. My own house has doubled in 14 years – and others I know of have tripled in 6 years – sorry but can’t work out the logic – feeling a little pessimistic at present – but again – thanks for your comments.

    I’m sure things will look more postie to me after the next interest increase – maybe it is just the wrong time – even Steve is selling off – so considering I think a lot of him – maybe this is the time to buy in!!


    Profile photo of JetDollars


    I like your nickname, untrustworthy and rogue forever. May be you should watch rogue trader. Profit one day bankrupt forever. just a thought.

    Warm Regards

    [Keep going, you’re nearly reach the end of financial freedom]

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    chan – ive seen the movie. thanks for the tip!

    ps – im serious yr last line doesnt make sense – nothing personal

    Profile photo of TringTring
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 24

    Hello aussierogue;

    I think chan$ trying to say:
    “Keep going, You’re on you’re way to financial freedoom” or
    “Keep going, you’re nearly reach you’re financial freedoom”
    ie what ever happens, never give up.


    Profile photo of aussierogue

    thanks start, i realise that – i should never of posted this one


    Profile photo of JetDollars


    I never realise and try to interpret the sentense properly. I thought you try to make fun of me, but when ‘START’ put those sentence up then I realise it. I think because of my poor English.

    Thank you for that. I was pretty angry when I wrote the last message.

    Check the new on out.

    Warm Regards

    [Keep going, you’re nearly reach the end of financial freedom. STOP – Wrong Way Go Back By Aussierogue]

    Profile photo of JetDollars


    What’s about the one below.

    Warm Regards

    [Keep going, You’re on your way to financial freedoom]

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    chan – excellent last line – well done!!!

    Profile photo of JetDollars


    Just wanna to apologise again. I like people who correct my English.

    Warm Regards

    [Keep going, You’re on your way to financial freedoom]

    Profile photo of dvane


    I preferred the ‘Tone’ of the first tag-line. Sure, the grammar wasn’t 100% but it had a nice, encouraging feel to it – I could feel you urging me on. “Keep going, your goal is just in front of you!” sort of thing.

    The one you use now is better grammatically but lacks the urgency; that is, it’s a bit airy-fairy. “You’re on your way (you may or may not get there but then, who cares)”.

    If I was you (and I’m not) I would go back to the first tag-line and just take out the reference to “the end of”.

    “Keep going, you’ve nearly reached financial freedom”

    Sounds better to me (IMHO).
    Dave [:I]

    Profile photo of dvane

    “Keep going, you’ve nearly reached your financial freedom”


    Profile photo of Risky

    Hi Dougall,
    getting back to the subject on hand, you are not alone with this problem of not being able to find positive properties. That is the reason why the regional country towns have started to move and appreciate. Many investers have turned from urban to regional for a cashflow properties, and hopefully will continue to do so as to make my regional properties appreciate more [^]

    I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken !

    Profile photo of JetDollars


    sound great and will keep that in mind.

    Warm Regards

    [Keep going, you’re on your way to financial freedoom]

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    chan – its ok. i was just commenting lightheartedly and you understand that, so no heart feelings.

    by the way you should check out my grammer sometimes – not pretty..


    Profile photo of dsismandsisman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2


    I agree with Dougall. I have been looking for about 4 weeks now and have not been able to find any properties in regional Victoria which provide any positive results.
    I have just been using the Internet (i’m a newbie) to at least find an area that i can concentrate on.
    The 11-second solution has not worked on any property. In fact it’s way out.
    I feel like i’m about 3 years too late![:(


    Profile photo of Risky

    Look out side of your area , theres a fairly large regional town in West Aust with pos cashflow that meets the 11 sec rule such as Collie and other smaller towns like Wagin, Mullewa , they are around its just whether you are game to get out of your comfort zone. However Due Dilegence on these towns would be the deciding factor.

    I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken !

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