My wife went shopping today and when she got home woke me up (I’m currently working nightshift)saying “I got this real bargain at the shops – a TEAC video player for only $100”!!!! My response was “That’s great but we dont own a TV”??? Her reply – “That doesn’t matter it was a real bargain”
To top if off I was relating this too a couple of her female friends who dropped by for dinner and one of them said “Wow – if you dont want it I’ll buy it off you”. When I pointed out that she doesn’t own a tv either her response was “So what – it’s a bargain at that price”
Trust me – haven’t had a tv for 11 years and it’s great. Every so often when you feel like doing nothing you miss it but as my wife says “we’re only just married[:X]” (11 years and only 2.5 kids[^]).
women as a genral rule buy things wether they need it or not just so long as its a bargain. On the other hand , most men buy something only if they need it , but most times willing to pay what ever it takes to get it.
SO i read somewhere when i was in uni anyway ………..LOL
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Mortgage Hunter said : “Someone once said: “A man will pay double to buy something he needs whereas a women will pay half to buy something she doesn’t need.” “
Please Simon, don’t hide behind ‘Someone’.
If you want to make a statement do so in your own name and accept the risk of the ire of all women folks on this website coming down onto you. []
Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.
i hate going away for a night because when i come home the remote has always disappeared. it sometimes takes hours to find it, but its important so i don’t rest till i have that little fella in my hand.
bye westan
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You guys are funny about women- hehe. Guess we are all one bunch of Venusians or something :o) Always cluttering our homes with useless nicknacks woth you fellows rolling your eyes and patiently saying, “that’s lovely darling- now what are we going to do with it?”
i hate going away for a night because when i come home the remote has always disappeared. it sometimes takes hours to find it, but its important so i don’t rest till i have that little fella in my hand.
bye westan
Lets try to play with your words here Westan.
1) yes SIS i know the feeling.
i don’t rest till i have that little fella in my hand.
( [}])
2) yes SIS i know the feeling.
i hate going away for a night because when i come home the fella has always disappeared. it sometimes takes hours to find it, but its important so i don’t rest till i have that little fella in my hand.
( i think remote = fella [])
3)yes SIS i know the feeling.
it sometimes takes hours to find it,
( [][])
I can do more but I think leave rest for you all to guess your self… [:o)][:o)]
PropertyGuRu I want to be billionaire! []