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  • Profile photo of Malachii

    My wife went shopping today and when she got home woke me up (I’m currently working nightshift)saying “I got this real bargain at the shops – a TEAC video player for only $100”!!!! My response was “That’s great but we dont own a TV”??? Her reply – “That doesn’t matter it was a real bargain”
    To top if off I was relating this too a couple of her female friends who dropped by for dinner and one of them said “Wow – if you dont want it I’ll buy it off you”. When I pointed out that she doesn’t own a tv either her response was “So what – it’s a bargain at that price”


    Profile photo of melbear

    You don’t own a TV? How does that work?

    But yes, I think I’m missing the same point as you[^]


    Profile photo of Malachii

    Trust me – haven’t had a tv for 11 years and it’s great. Every so often when you feel like doing nothing you miss it but as my wife says “we’re only just married[:X]” (11 years and only 2.5 kids[^]).

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru
    Am I missing something????????????????

    Yes I think you are missing TV. [;)

    I have also one lady at work she hasn’t got TV. [?][?]

    female friend hasn’t got TV either!! which city do you live?? [?]


    Profile photo of BEAR1964

    women as a genral rule buy things wether they need it or not just so long as its a bargain. On the other hand , most men buy something only if they need it , but most times willing to pay what ever it takes to get it.

    SO i read somewhere when i was in uni anyway ………..LOL

    Regards Bear

    Profile photo of CheekyOldBatCheekyOldBat
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 39
    Originally posted by BEAR1964:

    women as a genral rule buy things wether they need it or not just so long as its a bargain.

    Wash your mouth out with soap Bear [:0]


    ” plays well with others
    … but sometimes runs with scissors”

    Profile photo of BEAR1964

    sorry cheeky , just stating what i read somewhere when i was at uni…….LOL, and we all know how accurate everything we read at uni is dont we…….LOL

    Regards Bear

    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    Someone once said:

    “A man will pay double to buy something he needs whereas a women will pay half to buy something she doesn’t need.”


    Simon Macks
    Mortgage Broker
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Mortgage Hunter said : “Someone once said: “A man will pay double to buy something he needs whereas a women will pay half to buy something she doesn’t need.” “

    Please Simon, don’t hide behind ‘Someone’.

    If you want to make a statement do so in your own name and accept the risk of the ire of all women folks on this website coming down onto you. [;)


    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    Come down on me womenfolk.

    I have a wife and two daughters. I am pretty well desensitised to the ill feeling generated by women.

    Simon Macks
    Mortgage Broker
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of westan

    hi all

    We love our “bargains”, i remember the comedian Jimeon doing a bit on it , he was very funny, yes we go silly over a Bargain.

    by the way i’ll sell you a telly for $100 which is a real bargain.[:D


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    Profile photo of Still in SchoolStill in School
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,844
    Originally posted by westan:

    by the way i’ll sell you a telly for $100 which is a real bargain.[:D

    Hi Westan,

    are you able to sell me, about 5 tv remotes, i only got one tv, but i can never find the remote for the tv or vcr… [8)


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
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    Profile photo of westan


    yes SIS i know the feeling.

    i hate going away for a night because when i come home the remote has always disappeared. it sometimes takes hours to find it, but its important so i don’t rest till i have that little fella in my hand.

    bye westan

    I find +ve cashflow deals in New Zealand which I sell to other investors. To be on my database send an e-mail to

    Profile photo of muppetmuppet
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 900

    Hi Westan

    Which little fella in the hand were you talking about?


    Profile photo of Administrator

    And whilst you are at it Westan, rummaging for things to sell, I’ve got an AKAI video casette recorder (model VS-F10EA) wthout a remote control.

    (It was thrown out by my wife though she denies it and affixes the blame onto me).

    If you Westan (or anyone else) has got such a remote control to spare I am prepared to trade.


    Profile photo of PropertyGuru
    Originally posted by muppet:

    Hi Westan

    Which little fella in the hand were you talking about?




    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    You guys are funny about women- hehe. Guess we are all one bunch of Venusians or something :o) Always cluttering our homes with useless nicknacks woth you fellows rolling your eyes and patiently saying, “that’s lovely darling- now what are we going to do with it?”

    You wise old things!

    kay henry

    Profile photo of westan


    yes when i wrote it i thought it could be misinterpreted. Should have guessed it would have been muppet and PG.

    Lucky my wife didn’t read it she’d say i was exagerating.[:D

    Pisces we got a secondhand couch years ago and i found someones remote down the back of it suggest you look there.


    I find +ve cashflow deals in New Zealand which I sell to other investors. To be on my database send an e-mail to

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru
    Originally posted by westan:


    yes SIS i know the feeling.

    i hate going away for a night because when i come home the remote has always disappeared. it sometimes takes hours to find it, but its important so i don’t rest till i have that little fella in my hand.

    bye westan

    Lets try to play with your words here Westan.

    1) yes SIS i know the feeling.
    i don’t rest till i have that little fella in my hand.

    ( [}:)

    2) yes SIS i know the feeling.
    i hate going away for a night because when i come home the fella has always disappeared. it sometimes takes hours to find it, but its important so i don’t rest till i have that little fella in my hand.

    ( i think remote = fella [;)

    3)yes SIS i know the feeling.
    it sometimes takes hours to find it,

    ( [:D

    I can do more but I think leave rest for you all to guess your self… [:o)][:o)]


    Profile photo of melbear
    Originally posted by **PropertyGuRu**:

    Am I missing something????????????????

    Yes I think you are missing TV. [;)



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