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  • Profile photo of CornelBasson

    I support your comments SIS, and I will be doing the same when I get more properties use the tax system to my advantage.
    What a fun topic this was to read….like a bunch of kids around a ice-cream cake—-[:D

    Profile photo of dvanedvane
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 30

    SIS is only 21?! Wow! When I was 21 I couldn’t even dress myself!

    For my part I’d like to thank SIS for candidly answering a question that was posed to him. I believe SIS answered in good faith and I have learned a lot from his replies. How I use that information is now up to me.

    Tax is generally a sensitive issue for most people and you always get differing points of view on sensitive issues so rember SIS – opinions are like “bottoms”; everybody’s got one.

    Rather than focusing on the grey areas between tax minimisation and avoidance I think Richmond has hit the nail on the head: this forum is about learning the practicalities of how to invest in property. I for one am facinated by how you guys actually, actually do it!

    …when did I become my father?

    Profile photo of Bron

    Fascinating stuff!

    As a property investing beginner – this is my first post to this site – I’m doing some serious research before taking the plunge and checking out a number of accountants (bad past experiences) before choosing one to help me out with this stuff.

    Did anyone find out the details of the “secret” accountant before they were deleted?

    If not… any suggestions for accountants in Brissy would be much appreciated. Be patient with me! I’m sure this question has been asked lots of times before but I’m finding there is just soooooo much great info to wade through on this site.

    What a great site! Thanks to everyone who contributes! It’s great for me to be able to sit in on chats between those of you who’ve been there and done that. The more I read and learn the more there seems to be to know. A matter of just taking the bits you need I guess. It’s great that there’s so many folks willing to share their (expert) opinions and experiences.

    While I know I’m going to make mistakes, I’m grateful to learn as much as I can – Life’s too short to make all the mistakes yourself!


    PS Sorry PG. I thought it was funny too.

    Profile photo of CornelBasson

    Hi Bron

    I am in Brisbane as well and I have been using a guy in the Valley for my general work tax… that I have a investment property I have to find a proper Investment Accountant to help me claim back as much as I can. I have learnt all sorts of this thing from this funny post, just all the things I can claim back and how people team up……but anyways welcome and good luck


    Profile photo of FatBoyFatBoy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 185

    I’ve been following this thread with interest… But i’d like to have an each way bet at this stage. [:D

    As for his accountants details i don’t think that’s relevant. If he doesn’t want to tell anyone that’s his choice. I’m buggered if i know why he chose to take down his posts though ?? [8)]

    Maybe S.I.S has just had enough of being under the microscope ?? On that note if you don’t want attention, don’t constantly seek it… [;)]


    “I want to be rich, and stupidly happy – so far i’ve only managed to achieve the stupid part…”

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    WOW !!

    My Eye’s are sore from reading this thread now!!
    Looooooooooooooooooooooonnng but ‘interesting

    “The man that thinks at 5o as he did when he was 20 has wasted 30 years of his life”

    Profile photo of mikeejmikeej
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 25
    Originally posted by richmond:


    For what it’s worth, I think a mountain is being made out of a molehill in this thread, but for all your achievements in buying 13 houses at the age of 21, it would be good to set the theory aside and gain some practical insight into how you’ve done it. You’ve said elsewhere in terms of gaining instant equity, doing no money down deals, and now in regards to your accountant, that you can’t reveal information… plenty of other people are happy to reveal information, but for some reason you’re super secretive… I just can’t put my finger on why, or for that matter, what you are worried about…


    I know what he is worried about, but I can’t tell you, it’s a secret![xx(]

    Profile photo of Bron

    Thanks for the reply Cornel,

    (I’ve just got back after a few days away)

    Finding any sort of proactive accountant isn’t easy. Finding a specialist accountant – well.. to really see their worth – you only get one go every year! Any tips are worth their weight in gold!


    Profile photo of brent2


    Re: Paying back hecs debt.

    Someone here seems to forget that it is this generation that has had to pay for their University education. Didnt whitlam make it all free in the 70’s?

    Please excuse me if I have this all wrong, but there seems to be alot of people riding very tall ( high ) horses around this forum.



    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    yes brent- I agree. given that many of the forum’s members would have had free education (if they went to uni), it’s pretty much that they want the younger generation to now pay for theirs. I’ll pay taxes to fund public education and health (AND public housing) any day instead of funding weaponry.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of brent2

    yes, though I think if we cut a level of Government or two we might save some more.

    Dont mind so much our troops being better equipped.
    Shit of a life, glad I didnt take that path.


    Profile photo of CeliviaCelivia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 886

    Interesting and looooooong post, I had some pc problems for a few days, so I had a lot of catching up to do….
    I agree that education should be free, also why not get rid of all the private schools and put all that money in public education.
    (Don’t abuse me now, just my opinion[B)])

    About SIS’ reluctance to share some information I think that is totally up to him what he wants to share or not, and he may have very good reasons.

    I think in the post about the bus tour he said that he discovered that a there are a lot of lurgers just benefitting from all the great info on this forum without being a member or ever contributing themselves or sharing their knowlegde. SO if it took SIS a real lot of time and effort to find out some great info I do see where he comes for not wanting it out in the open and up for grabs to these parasites. [:p]
    Anyway he did say that we can pm him, so that’s a nice gesture.

    My 1 cent’s worth.(I donate the other cent to education[:o)])

    Profile photo of bluecatbluecat
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 106


    I can understand what SIS is saying but i don’t think would work for everybody and lots of people have different views on what is right and wrong.


    Do today what you want to do tomorrow

    Profile photo of JetDollars
    Originally posted by brent2:


    Re: Paying back hecs debt.

    Someone here seems to forget that it is this generation that has had to pay for their University education. Didnt whitlam make it all free in the 70’s?

    Please excuse me if I have this all wrong, but there seems to be alot of people riding very tall ( high ) horses around this forum.



    I think one of that person that ride very tall horse is you, but when the horse run out of steam where do you go? I don’t have to tell you….

    Warm Regards

    [Keep going, you’re on your way to financial freedoom]

    Profile photo of richmond

    hey brent, I finished my journalism degree in 1994… Gough got the arse when I was 1 year old… I’ve paid back my HECS debt so I can say whatever I like about the matter, on whatever horse I want.


    Profile photo of JetDollars


    I graduate in 1998 and I haven’t pay my HECS yet. I am very happy…..The money that I got from not paying I buy a very tall horse….currently in my backyard…..want a ride?….free for everyone but not you.

    Warm Regards

    [Keep going, you’re on your way to financial freedoom]

    Profile photo of brent2

    This kid is not sitting at home bludging on the system, he is probably keeping people employed with his spending on repairs, rental agents, etc etc. So what if he wants to hang on to his dollars an extra year or two?

    Please tell me if I am wrong, I am sure there are several different levels, but isn’t Journalism a TAFE course for a year?

    and CHAN

    Huh? What ?

    warm regards, ( of course )


    Profile photo of JetDollars



    Warm Regards

    [Keep going, you’re on your way to financial freedoom]

    Profile photo of brent2
    Originally posted by Chan$:


    I graduate in 1998 and I haven’t pay my HECS yet. I am very happy…..The money that I got from not paying I buy a very tall horse….currently in my backyard…..want a ride?….free for everyone but not you.

    Absolute Hipocrite!!!!

    Nothing more to say to you, you should look at yourself.

    Warm regards,( of course )


    Warm Regards

    [Keep going, you’re on your way to financial freedoom]

    Profile photo of richmond


    not sure if you’re intentionally being ignorant, or maybe you can’t help it, but there’s several degrees in journalism.

    Mine was completed at RMIT University in Melbourne with a major in political science.


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