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  • Profile photo of elveselves
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 507

    Pisces and all

    I have to do the right thing! I work for the government…LOL

    However yup, not happy thats why people talking about their accountants, helps others see that something isnt quite right…

    I once had a brilliant accountant, but she got well known, and too big and then went off to help politicians……:-(


    Profile photo of RubbachookRubbachook
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 288

    An accountant can say whatever the heck they like.

    It is the taxpayer that needs to justify it in the case of an audit.

    Minimise your tax by all means, but it’s not appropriate to just take the p1ss.

    Profile photo of rx2_73rx2_73
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 24

    Looks like SIS has gone all quite about giving out his accountant details….. I wonder why….. :-)


    Profile photo of Still in School

    Hi Rx2_73,

    I havent gone quite, i was PM, yesterday by a quite a few forum members, and was told, that it was best, that i ignore, this thread as it was getting out of control.

    Since, then i have been wanting to post more to this thread, but instead, and listening to other peers, im just with holding myself from posting but reading the new post as they come up in this thread.

    The more i post, to this thread, the bigger the arguements get, so in doing the right thing, i have stop posting to this thread.

    but if you want to speak in private with me, im happy for you to PM me.


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of kay henry

    ok sis, as the person who started all of this, I’ve had a look at what’s happened…

    Basically, the questions were asked about tax and hecs, to which people put forward their opinions. It doesn’t matter whether people believe in the payment of hecs as a responsibility (I say flick HECS- we should be educated publicly- but that’s easy for me to say- i went to uni when it was free).

    As the discussion moved on, and the mechanics of reducing taxable income was discussed, the discussion became more focussed on deductions, and the legalities or suitability of such.

    Whilst the topic has been what some might call “heated” or perhaps personalised, I see it more as “vigorous”. Sis, you’ve had lots of people being very encouraging. I think in you encouraging people to go to a good accountant, they have asked for the identity of your accountant. Whether you choose to reveal that or not is up to you.

    The list you’ve provided includes things like “political dues”. That is an american term, and the list is obviously american- i am not sure our claimability is equal to that of the american tax system.

    Really sis, if we participate in discussion- and I did ask you to initially :o) then we expect what we say to be critiqued. Asking someone for their accountant’s name is probably a fairly usual thing to ask- if we all have a similar goal of having such a professional assist us. But of course, you’re entitled to not provide that :)

    Having looked back at each post, I am not sure if this one *is* out of control- believe me, i’ve had worse :o) I have no idea how many members were privating you and telling you not to engage, but we’re all in this together, and if something doesn’t make sense to us, it’s logical that we query it- sometimes vehemently. Anyway, sis- you’re an adult- you can make your own decisions as to what level you want to engage- all these people privating you and telling you not to respond- what is that? You can do as you wish :)

    It’s all about engaging in the discussion- attacking the ideas put forward- not the person. Hope you haven;t feel too attacked sis- in my reading of the post, you’ve had a lot of support too.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    Hi Guys,

    Ok I start with one good Accountant name in Sydney

    Nicholas Moustacas

    For Melbourne people
    Dale Gatherum-Goss

    Dale wrote two books “Trust Magic” and “Tax Battles”

    I have both of his books. Tax deduction list which SIS wrote above, is from one of the above book, which he borrowed from me. This is just to clarify that nothing is American in the list or may be Mr Dale have copied from American book which I don’t think!

    People who want to learn basics of Tax etc should buy these two books today only. Read these two books and then post here their comments. There could be some other good tax related books which I am not aware of please let me know.

    If you go and see accountant and don’t want to claim that travelling expense in your tax because you did couple of other work also on your way to accountant and you don’t feel comfortable doing that then it’s fine. It’s all depends on person to person and what you think is correct and what you think is wrong. I believe in paying fees for education upfront or ASAP but if SIS or some people think it’s good to defer and take advantage of the system then that’s their choice and I don’t think something wrong in it.

    I think we all should have basic knowledge of accounting and tax. Keep record of every thing, but leave the final decision on your accountant whom you trust and if you don’t trust your accountant then better change soon.

    Concentrate more on investing not accounting if you think you are Investor.

    This is my opinion only and I follow this. May be I am wrong. [:)


    Profile photo of kay henry


    Everything we write here is our own opinion :o)

    Thanks for the recommendation of accountants- i believe i have an exceppent one in wollongong too- but I guess I’ll find out this year- this is gonna be the “year of kay henry” in tax terms, I hope :o)

    I have no doubt that accountants would be stoked if they were recommended- more business for them! What better gift would we give them than making more business for them? Would they prefer a bottle of wine as a gift? Or would they prefer 10 more IP customers giving them their business?

    By the way, if i gave my accountant a sex toy as a gift, don’t you think he might get the wrong idea???

    kay henry

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    Hi Key,

    Nicholas Moustacas was in Wollongong before so may be he is the same guy!


    Profile photo of kay henry


    Thanks for the accountant dude’e details! This is- an accountant is not like revealing the details of a CF+ IP. Noone is gonna steal him from you. A good accountant is like a good QS or a good solicitor.

    I bet if people tell Tony they were recommended by you sis, then Tony will probably give you a big discount on your bill this year! win/win situation for you both :o)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of kay henry

    no PG- my accountant’s name is brian rees- and i think he’s great :o) He has a big long ponytail and looks like a biker- made me feel totally at ease the first time i met him- finances are not the only thing in my life- i also need to like and respect the people i’m dealing with :o) My formula is “ability + relationship”. If one of the two isn’t there, i move on.

    That story you told about buying your wife a sex toy because she’s been doing all the bookkeeping- it’s verrry funny, PG- hysterical really :o) Is the husband so busy with all his properties that he gives his wife a sex toy to play with instead? It’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day!!

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Still in School

    Hi Guys,

    still i feel, that i should not have been questioned or asked about, giving details of one accountant i have dealt with, is still unfair, when simply, people can do their own research and not relie on someone else, who has gone out and found such people.


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru
    That story you told about buying your wife a sex toy because she’s been doing all the bookkeeping- it’s verrry funny, PG- hysterical really :o) Is the husband so busy with all his properties that he gives his wife a sex toy to play with instead? It’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day!!

    I think now this post is going to be between me and you! [:)

    Because there is nothing funny in it. As you being in BDSM and stuff you must be knowing what are sex toys for. It’s not just for her to play with or even if they are its not your or my problem!! [:(


    Profile photo of kay henry

    wow, obviously hit a nerve there, PG! Well, I thought it was funny anyhoo :o) Thanks for the example :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of richmond


    I can’t see how you think it’s unfair for people to ask you the details of your accountant. I’ve seen that question asked of people over and over, and you’re the only one to object.

    ps I too had a chuckle at PG’s story about the sex toy.


    Profile photo of Still in School
    Profile photo of richmond

    your demeanour in this thread is very strange SIS, why put the details up, and then delete them? I for one am not about to run to your accountant… I have my own team in place.


    Profile photo of kay henry

    I mentioned my accountant’s name on this thread too- should I delete?

    Honestly, sis- calm down. I thought this forum was about *sharing* knowledge. What on earth do you have to hide?

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Still in School

    Hi Richmond and all,

    Putting up the details of an accountant i deal with was fine, but being reminded by peers, that helping people and contributing a plentiful of tips and information, what do i get back, when people still want to debate, even when facts are put up there for them to see, yet still debate it.

    So, for being helpful, instead, its best that i stop posting and delete such information to this thread, and ignore and forget what was posted, but move on and discuss more about property in general in other threads and forget what has happened in this post.


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of ErikaErika
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 151

    I must admit that I find sis behaviour strange, if you dont want to share information why put any out there in the first place. You talk like you have so much knowledge but refuse to share any, why are you here? This forum was set up to exchange ideas and info but people are nosy by nature and when you put information about what you do out there for people to read some people will get very nosy. I think for your age you have done many incredible things and many people could benefit from your experience if only you would share.
    Most people will read this info and do nothing with it but you may just help one person on the road to riches and what a feeling that would be.

    Profile photo of richmond


    For what it’s worth, I think a mountain is being made out of a molehill in this thread, but for all your achievements in buying 13 houses at the age of 21, it would be good to set the theory aside and gain some practical insight into how you’ve done it. You’ve said elsewhere in terms of gaining instant equity, doing no money down deals, and now in regards to your accountant, that you can’t reveal information… plenty of other people are happy to reveal information, but for some reason you’re super secretive… I just can’t put my finger on why, or for that matter, what you are worried about…


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