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  • Profile photo of BryO

    Hi all,

    Been reading the forum discussions for a couple of days and I’ve decided to list my first post ever!! wooohoo!!

    It’s more of a question actually. Has anyone heard of Hans Jackobi and his property products. I saw an ad in Property Investor magazine and was wondering if anyone had any feedback.


    Profile photo of JacktarJacktar
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 19

    I have only read a couple of things from Hans Jakobi and he seems like he is pretty switched on.

    I suppose it doesn’t matter how many RE books you read from different authors, it’s more of what you interpret from their books. Everyone has different views on which is the best way to invest in RE, but no-one has the right answer for what you are looking for except YOU! All you can do is take the advise given and work it around into your own needs.

    The is a fair bit of criticism about Robert Kiyoski about if his ‘Rich Dad’ is a real person, but does it really matter? He knows what he is talking about and all you can do from that is take his advise on board and make you own decisions.

    Happy reading!

    Jacktar [:D

    Profile photo of pelican


    My friend had some dealing with him (directly) and the comments he had were not exactly good…

    His $3000 odd pack was sold for a lot less about 12 months ago, but there supposedly was some re-writing of it…..

    Each to his own, be careful, be warned….. for all the guru’s out there, each of us gets different values out of it…. it’s not the story, its the message, and, if it gets you going and changing the way you think and act, then it has been worth it….



    Profile photo of melbear

    Hi Bry0, welcome to the forum

    I would suggest you buy one of Hans Jakobi’s books from the bookshop – How to Be Happy on Your Income or something like that, before spending big money on his home study pack.

    I got a flyer recently advertising his home study pack, and what it says is included looked really good, and if I had a spare $3K that I was willing to commit to it, I would have bought it. However, I’ve spent heaps of money on education, so need to replenish the reserves.

    But definitely check out his book first, and see if you like what he says. then you can decide if you want to spend the big bucks.


    Profile photo of kay henry

    And if you think some of the gurus are dodgy, but you still wanna read what they have to say, buy their books in a second hand book shop- that way, you won’t be feeding dodgy author’s coffers. :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of ErikaErika
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 151

    “Each to his own, be careful, be warned….. for all the guru’s out there, each of us gets different values out of it…. it’s not the story, its the message, and, if it gets you going and changing the way you think and act, then it has been worth it….

    I couldnt have said it better than Scott, a guru is an individual choice and it is what motivates you to improve your financial position. Is he good unfortunately only you can answer that I know some people who paid a sqillion dollars to go to HK he motivated them to get off their butts and do something and they have made their money back many times over.
    Its only money keep looking until you find your own path then take it.

    Profile photo of BryO

    Hi all,

    Thanks very much for your feedback. This forum’s pretty cool to bounce ideas and thoughts with like-minded ppl. I appreciate it. I think I’ll be posting a few more as I start to get more involved in property investing…

    spk to you soon,


    Profile photo of jaypsterjaypster
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2


    I just purchased han`s book,action guide of ebay.
    I havent read it yet but it looks ok, and it only cost me $10. Ebay is also great for bying any audio tapes etc because not only do you get them for about 70-80% cheaper but you can read or listen to it and then resell it back on ebay. I have even seen some people make a profit on the resale.


    Profile photo of fostonfoston
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 111

    Hi bryo,
    I recently received a free real estate investing info pack from Hans Jakobi, there is some good info and tips in the pack, but it is intended to steer you to his $3000+ home study course.He seems to be reasonably genuine, has been investing in property for a lot of years so has a lot of experience.I can’t afford that much at the moment as my wife and i are in the middle of a reno, so all our spare cash goes into this, maybe a little down the track we will look at it.He has a website so have a look at this,

    Profile photo of ShusharShushar
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 190

    I just saw Steve’s book on e-bay for $17.50.

    Doesn’t seem much of a bargain when you have to add postage to it!



    “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    that way, you won’t be feeding dodgy author’s coffers. :)

    That would have to be one of the tightest comments I have ever read. I make less in a royalty per book sold than the government makes in GST.

    Another example of scarcity thinking that keeps people poor.

    If you pay peanuts then you’ll attract monkeys.

    Over and out!

    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of redwing

    I thought Don Burke was the GURU ??

    “Hoo Roo From the Guru”[:D


    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”

    Profile photo of pelican

    OK, Folks, think it only fair I share this NEW info with you.

    Hans has emailed me personally, so, I will paste some of the info here. In all fairness to him…


    Scott I agree that we each get different things from various teachers.

    I have never claimed to be a guru and don’t call myself one.

    I’d just like to clarify something about my course.

    The original course sold for $475 for about 5 years and consisted of 6 audio tapes and a 52 page workbook.

    It showed quite a few people how to build million dollar positive cash flow property portfolios just like I have done for myself.

    The updated course consists of live video footage from Tasmania to Airlie Beach and now consists of 6 audios(or CD’s), 15 videos (or DVD’s) two workbooks with a total of 195 pages.

    Not only that, the package also includes another $2,542 worth of books, audios, videos and software items.

    It wasn’t just “re-written” but completely overhauled and updated.

    People who have attended numerous seminars from other speakers and authors have said it is by far the most comprehensive real estate investing course available in Australia today.

    The total package weighs over 11 KGs.


    I hope someone out there, who has actually bought this course can provide feedback.



    Pelican Investments

    Profile photo of redwing

    Is it just me..??

    but his site and advertising looks and *feels* a lot like Robert Allens or ESI’s.. even down to the *pop* up windows when you back out from some areas of the site…..


    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”

    Profile photo of Celivia
    Originally posted by melbear:

    I got a flyer recently advertising his home study pack, and what it says is included looked really good, and if I had a spare $3K that I was willing to commit to it, I would have bought it.

    I just dragged up this oldish post, because like Mel, I also received the info/flyer on his home study pack, and I feel exactly the same as Mel. It looks so good and comprehensive, and lol if I had a spare $3.3K I would really like to purchase it as well.

    On his website Jakobi says that he has 28 years experience investing in property. It’s so tempting to buy it, but then again many salesletters cleverly are set up so that you IMMEDIATELY and DESPARATELY want something, and I have been disappointed before. WHen I actually purchased the things that sounded SO good in a salesletter, in reality it didn’t really measure up.
    But still, I really want this (I guess one never learns [rolleyesanim]). WOuld be good if you could just have a look first to see if you liked it before buying.

    Profile photo of woodsmanwoodsman
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 714

    I have recently received a similar promotionin the mail by Hans Jakobi.

    I skim read it and I am pretty sure it said money back guarantee at the end (with a whole lot of ‘free’ gifts thrown in as well)


    Profile photo of kay henry

    Is he the guy who gives a one-year guarantee on his products? That you get 5 times the value of the products or your money back after 1 year? I have to say, that is a hell of a guarantee.

    I also checked out some of the products that are said to be free in his package. Lots of books and stuff- decent ones too, I reckon.

    Can’t remember if it’s Hans’ site or not. I checked out a few different ones today. But 3k or whatever the price is- plus a 1 year guarantee… well, at least he must have a lot of faith in what he’s selling.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Celivia

    Yes Kay, I checked on the website and in fact he does give this guarantee of your money back if you don’t make 5x the amount of the cost of the course in 1 year.
    It sounds really good, doesn’t it? Now I just need a spare $3000.
    I could take it out of my LOC but don’t really want to do that, and pay interest over it[worried], [puke].

    Do you, or any of you, borow money for educational materials, or do you wait and save up for the costs?

    Profile photo of melbear

    I’ve generally paid for them with credit card, and then paid that off when I get the bill.

    When I did Tony Robbins events, luckily my partner had a spare $36K in the bank that we used for him, me and his daughter. I still owe him that money [ohno2].

    With the Henry Kaye ones I had an interest free for the first one, and now I am actually paying interest on the later ones.

    If any of them have payments plans I tend to jump on them, even if you pay a little extra. It’s a lot easier to juggle a monthly fee for say 6 months than $3K up front.


    Profile photo of kay henry

    Celiv :o)

    As with all things, one has to determine what one’s priorities are and what one can afford etc. I imagine I will probably never go to a seminar, because I doubt I could justify to myself spending those amounts on it (I would rather give that kind of money to my family, I think). I’d probably go to a free foum though- not many around, but I guess there’s still a few :o)

    I am trying to structure my life around what money I have and what I can spend it on- thinking about budgeting for the first time in my life! I actually find it easier to do that when my financial situation is better, ad I have a bit of cash lying around (I sold an IP and feel rich!). But I still have a BBM (bloody big mortgage) so any money I spend will probably go straight into buying more IP’s.

    kay henry

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