All Topics / General Property / Lender who loans to Trust-issues
Does anyone here take on a loan with their trust?
I am looking for a lender who will lend to my trust, by taking the property I am buying as security (without making me sign as a guarantor). I understand that when the trust first starts out, they will want u to be the guarantor.
DOes anyone know such a lender? DOes ANZ do that?
Which bank or lender does the best loan to a trust?
fullout, why so concerned with being a guarantor?
For the first couple, you might just be better off doing it anyway.
MelLenders won’t lend to your trust as it is not a legal entity -they will lend to the trustee company, using the property as security. As the trustee is ususally a $2 company they will request you guarantee the loan unless you keep the loan to value ration under about 60%. This way they feel they have sufficient security and may not ask for a guarantee
Michael Yardney
Metropole Properties know of no lender that will not ask for a guarrantee.
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