All Topics / Help Needed! / early mornings
this is not directly investing but related nonetheless. Time is our most precious asset right, early bird gets the worm, etc.
Does anyone else suffer just trying to get up just for work, let alone be in the morning paper beforehand. I worked wirh a lady who gets up at 5am no matter what, she’s done most of her day before breakfast.
Can anyone suggest a way to do this?[xx(]Hi Phil
Its called persistence!
Not sure if the following helps.I hate mornings, but hate wasting my days, make sense? No? Well I get up because I want to, because if I get what I need to done before a certain time, the rest of the day is all mine!
I start work by 730am, now for me, getting up around 6 or 630am is my time, and I dont ever need an alarm clock. I have no clocks in my room, I used to tell myself before sleep what time I wanted to wake for, and bingo, it works. For the skeptics or those that turn over and hide beneath the sheets, thats your fault.
I would say to those people “Your body woke you, but you ignored it”, and went back to sleep. Personally I find it hard to sleep past 7am, 5 am however is not on my agenda or schedule.
Some people function better on less sleep, others need more, so maybe thats you? Or are you a night owl like me? I like the quiet of a night I feel I can think more, I study at night, after working. I often go to bed at midgnight or later, the last two days have been 3am bedtimes and thats not partying. I was working on my home and computer. I just wasnt tired. By the way I was up Sunday, yep this morning at 700am and washing clothes, on the line and up to the Blue mountains by 10am.on less than 4 hours sleep.
So, try going to bed earlier, try and relax before you do, have a reason for getting up early each morning — I could say something here but maybe not…lol!
(try motivating yourself and obviously a newspaper isnt working!)I just wish there were more hours in a day! Better stop here because my err warped sense of humour might end me up in hot water!
I thought mornings were a good time to get up?[):]
I love getting up in the mornings- but only on holidays! [
I start work late and end work late, so it’s not much of an issue for me. I’ve found though, that going to the gym makes me super tired. It also really regulates my body about eating properly etc.
Activity in the evenings will make you feel like going to bed earlier, and wake up earlier with a lot more energy.
If you have constant fatigue though, consult your physician [
kay henry
Originally posted by Phil:this is not directly investing but related nonetheless. Time is our most precious asset right, early bird gets the worm, etc.
Does anyone else suffer just trying to get up just for work, let alone be in the morning paper beforehand. I worked wirh a lady who gets up at 5am no matter what, she’s done most of her day before breakfast.
Can anyone suggest a way to do this?[xx(]HAHAHAH sorry Phil i just could help my self..
The early bird might get the worm.. But the second mouse gets the cheese [:p][:p]
I like to sleep in [
Cheers Matt
“If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.”
“Isn’t it time for a change?”
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