All Topics / General Property / opeing up a bank account in New Zealand from Aus

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  • Profile photo of stevefazak


    can anyone help me with this, my loan is about to be settled and I need to open a bank account in NZ, I live in Sydney, can anybody advise how I do this and which banks allow me to do this.



    Profile photo of westan

    hi steve

    i think most banks will let you do it, i’ve done it with ANZ and with Kiwibank from Australia.

    Can’t you use the bank that your loan is about to be settled ? or have i missed something?
    if you need help i have time Monday as i’m in NZ (but Tues till sunday i’m off holidaying).

    regards westan

    I find +ve cashflow deals in New Zealand which I sell to other investors. To be on my database send an e-mail to

    Profile photo of stevefazak

    Hi Thanks westan

    my loan is with RESI in NZ can I have an account with them and also can my tenants pay into this account, I heard that it is hard to open an account in Aus as there are some ID concerns.

    Maybe we can contact each other please provide your contact details and I will contact you some time this week end. apreciate al your help.

    Profile photo of westan


    my email is at the bottom of the post

    or ph me on 0011 64 3 418 0083
    or mob 0011 64 210 320 985

    bye westan

    I find +ve cashflow deals in New Zealand which I sell to other investors. To be on my database send an e-mail to

    Profile photo of Chiba

    I too am looking into getting a bank account in NZ from here in Oz. I got a response from one bank that I have pasted below. Does any have any ideas on which bank will enable me to set it up from here?

    Thank you for your message regarding opening accounts with the Bank of New

    To open an account you will need to visit a Bank of New Zealand branch. We
    require all new applicants to be present in a branch when opening an
    account and for the relevant information to be available. We can therefore
    not open accounts while a customer is overseas.

    If you are planning to be in New Zealand please visit one of our branches
    and enquire about opening an account. You will find information on opening
    an account on this website along with an application form:,1184,1-7-173,00.html

    The information provided on this site is for New Zealand residents only.
    Any offer of securities on this site is only an offer to persons resident
    in New Zealand and is not available for subscription by any person outside
    New Zealand.

    For further advice or assistance, or to discuss tailoring a financial
    package to meet your needs, please email us. Alternatively, call us on
    0800 275 269 (0800 Ask BNZ) or fax us on 0800 329 269 (0800 Fax BNZ). From
    overseas, please call +64 4 494 9098 or fax +64 4 470 3071 (Toll charges


    The more things you own, the more they end up owning you.

    Profile photo of bluecat


    I tried to use ANZ but got a similar response to Chiba (welcome to Forum) from them – both in Australia and NZ. They need the personal touch whereas everywhere else they are tryign to have as little to do with the customers as possible. Someone suggested ING but i haven’t followed up on that as yet.



    Do today what you want to do tomorrow

    Profile photo of RodC

    I managed to open a NZ ANZ account from Australia, so it can be done. It’s probably best to get a NZ branch to fax the relevant forms to an Aussie branch then do the signature/identity thing at the Australian branch and get them to fax them back.

    I believe people should organise banking before they even put offers in in NZ. To easily be able to pay your lawyer, building inspector, order LIMs, etc.

    I didn’t bother opening a NZ account until just before settlement. It was easy enough to pay for lawyers, LIM’s etc via Australian Westpac Internet Banking or via Credit Card.



    Profile photo of bluecat

    Hi Rod,

    That is interesting – was it a large branch or just helpful people? Was it unusual for them to do it?

    Like i said i tried but maybe i asked the wrong questions


    Do today what you want to do tomorrow

    Profile photo of PropertyGuruPropertyGuru
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,502

    I rang ANZ bank in NZ they said I have to be there to open an account. But I think I should ring them again.


    Profile photo of RodC

    Hi bluecat,

    My previous reply was a bit brief, so here’s the full story.

    As settlement was approaching, ANZ in NZ wanted me to open a NZ account for loan payments to come out of. The message I got from NZ (via my mortgage broker) was that I should be able to do that at any Australian Branch. Of course, when I went into my nearest branch (William St, Melbourne), they said “no you have to go to NZ to do that”. After I told them that ANZ NZ had told me I could, they rang NZ (Wellington Branch, I think it may be their NZ HO) who faxed the forms over. I signed them (needed passport for ID), gave them my email address and waited. A couple of hours later I got an email from NZ with account number etc, and details of how to set up internet banking.

    So yes, it was unusual for them and yes, they were helpful people. Of course the key may well have been that I was able to say “ANZ in NZ told me I could”.



    Profile photo of bluecat

    Hi Rod,

    THanks for that. I might try a similar approach.



    Do today what you want to do tomorrow

    Profile photo of Chiba

    Hey guys,

    I received a better response from Kiwibank. They are sending me an application pack, hopefully it will arrive in a few days.

    I have posted their response to me below:

    Thank you for your email.

    Please let us have your mailing address. We can mail you an account opening pack, which has full details of how to open an account from overseas.

    If we can be of further assistance, please contact us on the numbers below between 7am-9pm Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, or email us at <>


    Customer Services Representative
    Kiwibank Limited

    Private Bag 39888
    Level 11, 155 The Terrace

    Auckland 336 1133
    Wellington 473 1133
    >From anywhere else 0800 11 33 55


    The more things you own, the more they end up owning you.

    Profile photo of bluecat

    Hi Chiba,

    will investigate that option as well – thanks for the info.


    Do today what you want to do tomorrow

    Profile photo of stevefazak

    Hi Team

    as I started this post back on the 16th Jan 2004 I just wanted to say how impressed I am with all your help, I recieved a call from Westpac last week asking me for my Aussie postal address as they would send me from NZ an aplication to open AN ACCOUNT, but I like the ANZ approach beeter it seems to be faster.

    You are all Great People


    Profile photo of OPMOPM
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 110

    I’m also in the process of getting a NZ account opened from Oz and finding it difficult.

    I rang the ANZ in Wanganui today and they told me i had to go in personally to open a new account – even though i already have another joint account that i opened with them at that branch last week.

    I went to the ANZ in Oz, to be told they have no idea but they’re seperate entities and i can’t open a NZ ANZ account through their branch.

    The link Chiba gave for Westpac is if you are migrating to live in NZ. They request:

    A copy of any one of the following: immigration documents confirming your travel to New Zealand; your work visa; a letter of offer addressed to you from a potential New Zealand employer, or a letter from your New Zealand employer if employment is arranged.

    Profile photo of bluecat

    Since i can’t move to New Zealand at the moment that makes it a little hard

    trying some other methods – i’ll let you know if i have any luck


    Do today what you want to do tomorrow

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