All Topics / Opinionated! / motivation Goals of forums
I have been on the forum and had a look around, as I understand many of you are passionate about property esp positive geared property. However I was wondering who all of you are. It seems many of you have studied or read books and reflect these views. While this doesnt directly relate to realestate it affects the credibility of the information in the forums. I was wondering who runs these forums? do they get paid? what is their interest in the whole thing. An exampole of this in the media wants you to watch / read so they can sell ads. Or are we here to share information looking for a win /win. I have noticed there are no realestate ads on this site. It is actually one of the rules, there are no banks or lending institutions. though I dare say people on this forum woulkd be a captive audience. This is not here to have a go at anyone just to give myself an understanding.[
I think if you read some of the other posts on this same sort of topic, you would find that it COSTS Steve something like $600 per week in bandwith just to run this site. He funds it himself, by selling some of the resources he has created for others to benefit from.
I believe everybody else is here to learn and to help others where they can.
My 2c.
MelBrisbane southside,
I found this forum because I have an interest in property. I don’t advocate any particular views about property because I’ve read one book which “changed my life…” (I think that’s kind of sad personally)
I do still love property though, and was fortunate enough to buy one property a number of years ago which has achieved a significant capital gain. When I first bought property, there were no internet sites around that I knew of. But this site seems ok to me, as I learn many things. I do find it tiresome however, when people just use the same old refrains and seem to be in some kind of cult-like frame of mind- that’s boring anywhere.
My perspectives come from reading as much as I can, and working out what makes sense to me. Not all of us are blind guru-followers. Please shoot me when that happens (to those who wanna shoot me already, gahead- give it a virtual shot!) [
kay henry
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