All Topics / Opinionated! / Wrapping – VFA doc
To the Wrapping Forum Moderator;
I’m not sure how to contact you so hence this post.RE VFA C.O.C. document – request for constructive input.
The inital post on this topic was done to generate some input / feedback on the document.
However, from what I’ve seen I don’t think this particualr forum is the right venue for it as it’s not generating anything constructive (so far).
So I might suggest;
a) Delete the whole post & subsequent replies or
b) Keep a really tight rope on it to eliminate any more of the immature stuff – it’s not serving any constructive purpose.Leave it with you.
I am sorry that I haven’t responded to you sooner as I don’t often check into this particular discussion board.
You will note that I have modified the post as of this morning, unfortunately their are a couple of members that are heated up at each other and find it difficult to keep their tempers in check. Hence this is an ongoing problem in the board.
Thanks again.
Leigh K[]
Carve your own path and lead the way …
I think you will find all tempers are in check….
No heat here…….
Nothing for anyone to GET OVER….
Pelican Investments
http://www.pelican-invest.comMr Pelican Esq,
The ethics link on your website returned page not found. Has it been uodated to the latest version?
wow you were quick !! I’ve only just created that page on my website…. anyway…yes the link is ok now..
if you want to see the VFA DOC, please go to
Pelican Investments
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