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  • Profile photo of manofaction

    This is for Ken (hope this is OK to post).

    We can all find a reason or excuse NOT to do something. But some don’t take NO as an aswer and just find ways to achieve what they want.


    In over 6000 years of human recorded history, one achievement stands alone as our greatest.

    The year was 1969. As the world watched late into the night and early into the new day, man walked on another “heavenly body”!

    When Neil Armstrong took those famous steps, you could be forgiven for thinking that he was “born to be something significant in the field of aviation” as he himself truly believed.

    When Neil Armstrong trained for the team that would conduct the first Lunar landing, he knew that the selection criteria would be the toughest ever.

    Being GOOD was not going to be good enough! Good opinion had Jim Lovell, NASA’s most experienced and decorated Astronaut as the Commander of Apollo II.

    Armstrong was rejected for the mission more than once. Indeed at more than 20 stages throughout the selection process, he was failed due to what were seen as inadequacies.

    Armstrong took all of those rejections as key motivators telling NASA officials that he will rectify any deficiencies, train harder than any one else would possibly expect, all in search of living out his life’s destiny.

    Whilst Neil Armstrong worked on remedying his physical deficiencies, NASA went to work reconfiguring the Lunar Module… accommodate Armstrong’s ‘unique physique’.

    There’s PERSISTENCE defined in the most amazing example. An individual’s persistence created “multi million dollar” changes to the design of the most advanced vehicle ever designed by man!!

    When Armstrong decided to be the first person to walk on the moon, he was not the most qualified. He was certainly not the best physical candidate! Indeed, he was not even the correct physical structure to accommodate the lunar lander!

    Yet no-one or nothing was going to stop him from living his dream!

    Profile photo of CeliviaCelivia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 886

    Just a bit off the point, but interesting argument: Did you ever see a program (I can’t remember the name of the documentary) about a group of scientists arguing why Armstrong, or no-one else at all, has never walked on the moon, and this was all a set-up? THey came up with good arguments, eg the shadows didn’t make sense, the flag on the moon was waving, the lighting was in the wrong spot etc. THey claimed that it was all filmed on earth, faking a moon environment.
    I found it quite interesting, but it’s a while ago it was on and I can’t remember exact details. So may be, if all this is true, Armstrong has not lived his dream after all. Time will tell.
    If this research group is right, then what happened to all the money supposed to be spend on this moon-landing?

    Profile photo of manofaction


    At risk of setting off a huge debate on this… I’ll say this.

    The Russians wanted to get to the moon first and were “watching the skies”.

    I would have thought they would have blown the whistle to say, heay, there’s no spaceship up there!

    Maybe they were in on the joke too! [:D

    Profile photo of redwing

    Hmmmm….. still reckon it’s a “Don King” style event, Only in America, No-one’s ever been there again.. or close !

    I believe China has a mission planned, let’s see what happens, i never saw the program, just cynical, and it’s amazing how many ‘older’ people i’ve brought this up with say “could be” ( as in not true..)

    I don’t have any facts manofaction.. just a ‘feeling’ all aint what it seems, i watched a movie once where Arnold died, now i ‘hear’ he’s Mayor of california, see, only in America


    Profile photo of melbear


    i watched a movie once where Arnold died, now i ‘hear’ he’s Mayor of california, see, only in America



    Profile photo of redwing


    “I’m a Schitzophrenic and so am I”
    No he’s not
    Yes I am..

    Sometimes Funny, but Funny- Peculair, not Funny-Ha Ha [:0)]

    Must be the time of morning [;)


    Profile photo of melbear



    Profile photo of kenzhangkenzhang
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 18

    thanks mate.
    oz is the lucky country and i’m lucky to migrate to here. this country gives me freedom,opportunities and happiness. i love this country and i like aussies!(oz oz oz oi oi oi….:)

    thanks for the motivation, although originally i was trying to list my strong points and weak points and ask for some advice/help/comment on my weak points, not to rationalise…

    anyway this could be a bit off-topic, but i do get some culture shocks. eg, i found quite a few aussies are so PASSIONATE about the Queen. isn’t oz an independent country? i know oz and UK have strong historical connections, but do aussies HAVE TO celebrate Queen’s birthday? i’m just confused…

    at last thanks again for the motivation manofaction!

    Profile photo of Julian2Julian2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 82

    Kenzhang, while the queen continues to be the reining monarch of Australia a day off is given in her honour. (I believe most Commonwealth countries do this) When/if Australia becomes independent the day off will be probably be switched to the “Presiding Leader’s day”.
    However, there is no obligation on you or anyone to celebrate it, but if you wish to you may.
    There is a valid argument for debating whether significant Christian religious days should be public holidays, or for that matter whether any days unworked should be paid for. The self employed don’t get them!
    That said, I don’t think there would be too many votes to be had in suggesting any reduction in the number of paid statutary days off, and any implementation of such an idea would probably have the unions close the country down.
    Here in NZ the PM has amended the holidays act to increase paid annual leave from three to four weeks (effective 2007 – after the next election). It’s a guaranteed vote puller that will cost the country. If she wanted to give something to all NZers why not reduce the tax rate – that would have added a boost to the economy while putting more money in all working NZers pockets. As for me, apart from my investments, I don’t get paid when I don’t work – and I have no problem with that. I’m starting to ramble now so I’ll shut up.
    Cheers, Julian.

    Profile photo of richmondrichmond
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 831

    I’d like to know who some of these Aussies are who are passionate about the Queen… most people I know couldn’t give a stuff either way (which is the good old fashioned Oz attitude to many things)…


    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737


    Noone i know gives a stuff about the queen either- although i know a heap of queens who are quite nice- but that’s another story ;)

    People in Australia like public holidays. We also might decide to enjoy the christmas holiday, even though we are not interested in the origins of the holiday.

    Welcome to Australia- I dunno about it being the “land of opportunity” for all. You might ask some Indigenous people about that, and some asylum seekers at Nauru- they might have a different perspective.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of manofaction

    Hi Ken,

    This IS the land of opportunity. Believe me, for those who want to do it, there’s plenty on offer.

    Now that doesn’t mean it’s easy for all or that everyone has the same opportunity.

    Take any group of people, indigenous Australians, single white males, left handers, tall people etc and I’m sure you can come up with evidence how that group is discriminated or disadvantaged.

    Yet within those very same groups, you’ll find people who rise above the issues simply by using them to their advantage or just ignoring them altogether.

    It’s what goes on inside your head that’s important, not the labels others put on you or worse still, those you put on yourself!

    Research Oprah Winfrey’s life story and you’ll see a good example of what I’m talking about.

    We ALL have strengths and weakenesses. So use your strengths to your best advantage and in the meantime, work on your weakenesses.

    And finally, the Queen! [}:)

    Look, I’m no second class “pomm” and have never, ever considered myself to be one of the Queen’s subjects.

    But like it or not, dear Lizzy IS the Queen of Australia and that is so out of touch with modern day Australia it’s absurd, yet a small percentage of royalists Aussies (wanna be pommies), lead by our PM still want it kept that way.

    Bring on the Republic. [:D

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