All Topics / Opinionated! / Board Game??????????

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  • Profile photo of BEAR1964

    Greetings all

    I have heard about a board game going around involving property investing, and even read about it in the forum. Can any one please tell me more about it and where it can be purchased from?

    Regards Bear

    Profile photo of swampy30swampy30
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85

    I just used the search function of this website, using the search item “board game” and got quite a few results…

    Profile photo of ghotibghotib
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 37

    Hi Bear,

    The game I’ve noticed under discussion is Robert Kiyosaki’s “Cashflow 101”. There’s also a Cashflow 202, which uses the same board with different cards. Both are described as educational games, set up to teach Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad” principles of money management and wealth building.

    You can find online stores that sell it, but if you haven’t tried it you might like to give it go before you buy. Look for gatherings in you city where you can play it with people who have a bit of experience with the game. There are a few websites where these get organised.

    We went to one around 3 years ago. We enjoyed it, though the day got a bit lost in the excitements of getting married not long after. I’ve been thinking about it recently (the Cashflow day that is; I think about being married quite often), because one of the organisers said she was now living on the income from property investments. She also said she couldn’t find anywhere in NSW that met her buy criteria. Don’t know what her criteria are, and I’d love to know if there’s anywhere in Oz now that meets them.

    Hope this helps


    * * * * * * * * * *

    Without music, life would be a mistake.

    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Bear

    Kieran Trass of HPC in Auckland NZ has developed a property board game which has been on sale for about 12 months.

    For further information try this site,

    Merry Xmas all

    Profile photo of BEAR1964

    Thank you all for your replies.

    I forgot about the search fuction.LOL CRAFT must be setting in ……….LOL[:D]

    Regards Bear

    Profile photo of melbear

    Hiya Muppet, have you played Kieran’s game? Is it any good?

    Merry Christmas all (or Happy Holidays if that’s how you play it)[:)]


    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Mel

    Yes I have played Kieran’s game once, last Jan.
    Also played Cashflow 101 twice about 2 1/2 yrs ago.

    Nobody where I live play the games let alone know anything about the games. So I rather miss out.

    I think Kieran’s game is more applicable to our situations and I would love to play again.
    The game has been on a Xmas special.

    Merry Xmas.

    Profile photo of melbear

    Thanks Muppet

    I’m a bit in the same situation, so I bought the Cashflow 101 e game. Now I play against the computer, and have learnt heaps that way. It’s also quicker too!!

    I’ll have to look into Kieran’s game.


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