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  • Profile photo of maxhugenmaxhugen
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 21

    Many loan products allow a switch to fixed rate, so you can certainly start on variable and switch later.

    That said, even professional investors can get caught out using fixed rates. “When [rates are] at the bottom…”, ah, if only we had a crystal ball!

    There are other disadvantages to fixed rates… after all you’ve promised to pay xyz to a lender for a set time – what happens if your plans change, for example, you’d like to sell? Gotcha!

    Personally, I don’t favour fixing rates for more than 6-12 months, but others may disagree.

    Cheers, Max Hugen

    Alpha Financial
    Residential & Commercial Loans
    02 9560 3061

    Profile photo of KremanKreman
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 4

    Can anyone help?

    I’m a 32yo male with a wife and 1 child who all live in Victoria and I need some advice about loans.
    The property that I have rented for the last 3 years is going to be sold and I (knowing the owners) have been given first option to buy. The house is old and small but the land is 1167 m2 and in the area that I live in the chance of subdivision being knocked back is very very low.

    My problem is this I have been out of work for sometime and have just started a new business (3 weeks ago) and need a loan to buy this property.
    The property is worth $240,000 and up to $320,000 if subdivided but getting a loan is tuff for someone in my position who only has $20,000 for a deposit ($7,000 first home buyer grant $10,000 as a gift and $3,000 of my own) . I have just been approved for a loan of $170,000 at 11% (something like $380 pw) which is way to much for a person starting a first business to pay. So any help on this would be greatly appreciated thanks…

    Sorry i also forgot to put that the asking price of the property is $200,000


    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213


    It will be very hard for you to qualify for a loan at this stage. You would need about 20% deposit and costs.

    Maybe someone could wrap it to you? (the rate would probably be cheaper than 11%!)

    Discover Home Loans
    North Sydney

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
    Email Me

    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    Kreman, why don’t you chat to the owners, and tell them your situation. Perhaps they would be interested in wrapping to you as Terry suggested. I guess it all depends on why they wish to sell.

    But that’s certainly where I’d start – especially as you know them.


    Profile photo of Mobile MortgageMobile Mortgage
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 913

    Hi Kreman,
    11% is a very high rate,
    Give me a call or Send me your contact details and I will see what I can do,
    Mortgage Broker
    Ph:1800 820 500

    PLEASE note comments made should NOT be taken as specific taxation, financial, legal or investment advice. Please seek professional, specific advice.

    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544
    Originally posted by MortgageHunter:

    I even fixed myself!

    Oil change only? Full service? Total reconstruction?


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