Hey Mr Carchie – could you please send across a copy of spreadsheet – we’ve just bought a block of flats and I think our bank manager is wanting to get the best picture of our investments – we would like to be able to put together the most accurate account of the investments.
By the way – some advice which I’m sure most of you know, one of your best partners will be the bank manager – if he signs up with your plans….
Sorry guys, i didnt realise that people were asked not too place there email up here in this manner. So if you want a copy of the spreadsheet, email me at ggreen@4mefree.com.
I will forward it to u as soon as i can.
Thanks to the people that have been forwarding it on, on my behalf.
Hi, sounds like a great[8] idea!
I’ll have a copy please.
Hi Guys,
Im sure this has been done before, but i figured ill put my limited, but effective method up. I have put together a basic excel spread sheet. Plug the numbers in and gives u the return etc. Saves time and is quite quick and effective analysis tool.
If you want a copy, give me an email and ill forward to u.
I am back from holidays early, and can’t believe this thread.
Could someone explain to me without expletives why people keep posting there address after reading the various requestst o not do so. agggrrhhrhh[}]
It is wonderful that people shar information but honestly read their message properly and email them at the address they have provided you in the offer.
This thread is now locked … if you would like a copy of this spreadsheet email Mr Charchie at his address provided.