Hi Guys,
Im sure this has been done before, but i figured ill put my limited, but effective method up. I have put together a basic excel spread sheet. Plug the numbers in and gives u the return etc. Saves time and is quite quick and effective analysis tool.
Hi Guys,
Im sure this has been done before, but i figured ill put my limited, but effective method up. I have put together a basic excel spread sheet. Plug the numbers in and gives u the return etc. Saves time and is quite quick and effective analysis tool.
If you want a copy, give me an email and ill forward to u.
Hi Guys,
Im sure this has been done before, but i figured ill put my limited, but effective method up. I have put together a basic excel spread sheet. Plug the numbers in and gives u the return etc. Saves time and is quite quick and effective analysis tool.
If you want a copy, give me an email and ill forward to u.
I’d love to see the spreadsheet. I was thinking of trying to make one up myself but I’m not too sure where to start. Your spreadsheet would be a great template.
Thanks for the spreadsheet Mr Charchie. We are looking at a block of units at present. Just entered the figures in and watched a 9.24% gross return end up as a MINUS 2.01% nett return. ouch!