All Topics / Opinionated! / Question for Rick Otten

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  • Profile photo of Matt P

    But i don’t see why it is an issue. He obviously has it that cuz thats the way he wants it..


    “If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.”

    “Isn’t it time for a change?”

    Profile photo of _se7en_

    I have i problem with someone reprenting a mail box as office.

    Chatswood has a high vacany rate for commerical offices, with owners offering great terms.

    Rick is in the real estate game and would know this, so why mislead people into thinking that his address is a office.

    I can not believe that i am the only one who thinks this is deceptive.

    I am missing something here?

    Is this a common method used by real estate promoters?

    Profile photo of aaron12aaron12
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8


    Save on a regular basis
    “People forget that by saving just $3 per day and investing it sensibly over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million.”

    Thanks for posting this great site…[:)

    Profile photo of michaelg


    I’m surprised you can apply morals to a postage address? If someone wants to send a cheque or bill to someone, what morals come into play?

    Mind you, this is only my personal viewpoint, but the address is for a business, a brand name, logo and if you will percieved location is all about marketing.

    Westpac have dib’s on GPO Box 1, because the address impresses people, the same thing occurs when people use suite.

    It’s the same reason why the message systems are so popular, because the idea of a real person answering the phone for you small business, improves your business image.

    Actually it’s a good question, come to think, let’s open this discussion to all the ways a small business can improve their image cost effectively…

    so far we’ve discussed;

    – use a “suite” address instead of a PO Box
    – pay for a message service to answer your calls when you are unavailable.

    Some others I can think of;

    – I believe (not confirmed) that some places that allow you to have “suites” also allow you to hire boardrooms at their location when you want. Which I think would be great for SOHO consultant businesses.

    – a professionally designed website, allows you to compete on par with larger businesses. I think many people underestimate the value a website can bring. A tacky website does reflect on the company with passing traffic, whereas a referral may ignore it having been told about your business already.

    – a good business card helps too

    – a nice letter head for your stationary I think adds a touch of class

    – I think the message on your phone is important too (which reminds me I need to do something about the default message). What if you paid someone with a really nice voice to record your message?

    Marketing is a very important aspect of your company and image is one aspect of it. This applies to wrappers too, since wrapping is a business.

    It doesn’t matter how well you KNOW your business, if a customer doesn’t like or hear what they see, its a potential Client lost.

    Which is why it’s important for you to develop systems in your business that give you a professional edge, everything from answering the phone to sending out the statement should shout professional, and this will comfort your customer.

    Just a thought
    Michael Gruber

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    This post!! [8D][8D]


    Sorry _se7en_ but why your nick is like that not real name?? [:)


    Profile photo of Matt P

    PropGuru do u speak english… Just Kidding [:P

    Anyways _se7en why are you making such a big deal over this?


    “If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.”

    “Isn’t it time for a change?”

    Profile photo of _se7en_

    I can find no dictionary that defines suites as 2 foot X 2 foot box.

    I think that by using the word suite for a box will reflect badly on your product, and would advise people not to do it.

    It makes a represtation that is not true.

    A message servies are web sites are fine.

    But in this industry people are looking for integrity, and they want people to be upfront with them.

    They do not want people gilding the lilly

    Profile photo of _se7en_

    Property Guru:
    Se7en starring Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt is the best movie of all time.

    Profile photo of kay henry


    My oroginal post to you was not about mailboxes… it was about why you were trying to publicly humiliate someone… The mailbox/suite thing is not the issue for me- it’s about why you are hammering an issue and trying to denigrate someone. I think the obsessiveness with which you are pursuing this is kind of weird. Do you have some personal issue with rick otton?

    kay henry

    Profile photo of _se7en_

    All I know about Rick is from his post here and his web site (which i got from the links page).

    I live in Chatswood, and thought i would go and have a look at some of his products.

    I was annoyed to discover his address was not a office.

    I am not trying to single Rick out. There are probabily others that do the same.

    My personal opinion is that you should be as honest a possible.

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru


    Property Guru:
    Se7en starring Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt is the best movie of all time.

    I guess you didn’t understand my question.
    [8D] Now I won’t explain! Enjoy your time on forum and forget about this post!


    PropGuru do u speak english… Just Kidding

    Learning! Help me! [8)]


    Profile photo of kay henry


    I think your use of English is perfect :o)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Matt P

    I was just kidding, [:P

    Yes ur english is fine. Everyone makes typing mistakes.

    Matt [8D]

    “If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.”

    “Isn’t it time for a change?”

    Profile photo of michaelg


    _se7en_ I guess it’s all about what people value most.

    If you believe that 1 word is more important than the value of the product itself, then it is not for us to say otherwise.

    And in return, we cannot say that Rick or anyone else who choses to use the tools they feel best suit their marketing strategy believe that the customers who purchase their products chose to value the means by which they obtain them, over the products themselves?

    Would you agree that is a fair comment?

    Just a thought

    Profile photo of Rebecca1Rebecca1
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 100

    I think you are all a bit hard on this person over what, I admit by today’s standards, is a minor ethical issue.

    There is no doubt that it is unethical to have a mailbox and call it a suite. But you just have to ask why he does it. The answer is obvious. He wants to look better than he is, to create an image. Sadly, this is the way of the world, especially in business. Big differences between the appearance and the reality.

    It’s all about EGO. It’s what happens to little boys when they grow up to become business men. They are still little boys inside trying desperately to win the approval of the world.

    So, let’s not catch Rick out on this. Let it just be a clue – and leave it at that.

    As for the young questioner, it’s sweet to see such idealistic outrage. Don’t knock it.



    Profile photo of lozza123lozza123
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 81

    Hi se7en,

    I can understand why you would feel annoyed if you went to visit his “suite” and it didn’t actually exist! That would be a pain in the butt.

    I live in Melbourne, but I have mailed stuff to him, and I always thought he had a street address too. It’s just sometimes nice to think you’re dealing with a company which has a shop-front, rather than just a P.O. Box.

    Nevertheless, Rick does seem like a nice guy, and he is full of wonderful wrap information, so I’m prepared to overlook the fact that his P.O. Box has a special name.


    Profile photo of kay henry

    Well hello Rebecca :o)

    Now you know I believe in ethical behaviour as much as the next person ;O) I guess I just felt that this was a plant to put down a competitor of this website. I’ve seen a number of people make what appear to be light questionings of other people in the property market, and I personally think it’s a ploy to destroy credibility of the person- not merely an ethical dilemma that a person might have…

    As you yourself are aware, whenever someone questions the ethics of Steve, for example, they are called “negative”, a “tirekicker”, pulling down a “tall poppy” etc… So I guess I just feel that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. I get suspicious and wonder what the person’s agenda is. I wonder why their post might not be edited or why a moderator might allow it- call me funny, but I relish consistency…

    And where is my email, dear Rebecca? [:P

    kay henry

    Profile photo of _se7en_


    I thought i was asking a legitimate question.

    I have no connection to any real estate group or association, i have never met or had a private conversation with anyone from this forum.

    I am not trying to pull anyoune down

    Why do you think the moderator sould of deleted my post?

    Have a look at all my diffenet post and you will see most are questions.

    The question related to the marketing of his address not his products!

    I would advise everyone not to market themselves this way.

    This is just my opinion, and if people think different that ok.

    I believe in healthy debate.

    I have not flame anyone who has not agreed with me.

    Profile photo of WBHousesWBHouses
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    I wish to inform readers that Rick Otton is overseas and will be till the middle of January. All our offices in all states and countries are listed as suites because mail is regularly forwarded between locations by courier companies who will not deliver to post office boxes and this has proved to be a nightmare in the past especially as Rick moves around so often. They also provide other services like postage and photocopying. To continue with Michael’s post, it is worth considering as an option to add value to any business. There are also other companies which offer similar services and in addition will answer your out-of-hour phones and have meeting rooms which you can use to see clients if you do not have a commercial office.

    Another reason we use a post box/suite number is that during the past 18 months the company has outgrown its leased premises 3 times and I’m afraid to say will probably move again around the middle of the year. The cost of repackaging materials, informing all our suppliers with stationary changes do add up. Our new product replacing the Wrap Pack will have another address in Sydney which will be that of the new marketing company.

    Rick regularly has students drop by to our physical office and many others call to drop by and pick up products… so you’re most welcome to call the office and make an appointment (you’ll know when you get to us in Chatswood because there is a big swinging sign). I am sorry that the word “suite” was misleading but any confusion or discussion could have been easily cleared up with a quick call or email. 1800 003 588.

    We Buy Houses and Creative Real Estate

    Profile photo of ProcrastinatorProcrastinator
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 9

    For the first time I agree with Rebecca.[^] Seven probably could have worded his post a little better but I’d be fairly peeved too if I called at a “suite” in my area and found that it was not a suite at all. The perception of having a physical office is a great comfort to prospective clients. How often to we hear of folk sending money to a post box and never seeing the product purchased?

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