All Topics / Opinionated! / Searching For My Mentor

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  • Profile photo of riffraff

    Hi there readers,

    My name is Steve Eagle. I am currently on a search for a mentor.

    what I want to achieve :

    1) I want to my wife and I to be financially free and independent by age 30.

    2) I want to give back to those that have taught me. I have amazing friends, family and loved ones that I would love to share my success with.

    3) I want to be able to mentor someone so they too can become free and wealthy – in affect starting a chain of millionaires.

    What I need:

    1) an experienced mentor to teach me about business management, property (have one already), and the stock market (did well out of recent virgin float!).

    2) a network of like minds to maintain momentum – I have established a group for young investors in Melbourne – if your interested in attending please email me at and I will send details.

    My part???

    I am willing to quit my job and start full time investing. I don’t have much money but I believe that with the right contacts and the right guidance I have several well thought out ideas that will make me my first million. I just need a guide to show me how to put it together.

    I believe strongly in self development and am not emotional about money – it is a way for me to grow and add to the lives of those I know.

    I agree with all of the principals laid out in the book “on minute millionaire” and it is my goal to improve the wealth and economy of those around me. To do this I need to know how to do it myself.

    This post is one of several hundred I am pushing out into the world – soon I will find my path.

    Am I your project? Am I the one you will teach?
    If so I can tell you right now I am definitely a dedicated apprentice.

    My contact details are below.

    Thanks for reading!
    Steve McNight… is that you!? [:O][:)

    Steve Eagle
    0421 353 186

    What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

    Profile photo of FatBoyFatBoy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 185

    There once was a guy called Bill who frequented this forum and tried to help everyone like you…
    But they started a witch hunt and pretty much forced him to leave the forum… [B)]

    It’s a shame, some of us miss him – if you are still reading Merry Christmas “billfromoz”… [:)


    “I want to be rich, and stupidly happy – so far i’ve only managed to achieve the stupid part…”

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414


    I had lunch with a friend recently who told me a story which i could really relate to given the recent situation here to which you are referring. He was going to merge with an Australian company and buy into it – and had been bonding with them for a year prior to the merger. On the eve of the transaction there were still some final questions he had unanswered, and he asked them.

    the next morning there *was* no more company to buy – it had all fallen over.
    What had happened is that the questions he asked forced the existing partners to ask questions of eachother, and certain things came to light – which the partners had never thought to ask, or had just ‘assumed’.

    Sometimes you ask a question and it leads to other questions and perhaps a big hooha and things fell over. other times you ask a question and it is answered and you quickly move on, business as usual.

    I was surprised at the effect of the whirlwind and especially the emotions it stirred up. I don’t think that there is any question anyone could ask of *me* (putting myself in that position) that I would consider to be a witch-hunt. I would just answer it to the best of my ability on my own merits without ‘campaigning’ so to speak. Don’t know what else to say, really!

    Profile photo of ErikaErika
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 151

    Hi MiniMogul and Paul
    I am really glad that you are hear to ask and answer question Mini you do a good job and sometimes ask the questions we all would like to ask. To Paul it is a shame that Bill saw it as a witch hunt and left he had alot to give and at first seemed prepared to do this but when the fire got too hot he leaped out, he also had very strong oppinions about thing which is what made him such a valuable player in this forum, he probably offended a few people about wraps but that was his opinion and he gave it freely, if you are still lerking Bill I hope you come back your efforts were appreciated though not always agreed with.

    Profile photo of riffraff

    I didnt have too much to do with bill but he did reply to the emails I sent him and I appreciate that. And his posts here were often very informative…

    Looking back on it I dont even know how it came to him leaving and all the tension that was on the forum at the time…

    Speaking for myself though… when Im retired and a millionare from whatever venture I explore I will generously give of my experience and opinion to thise that ask.

    Just like in this forum.

    I have learnt a lot from people who have one more property than me, 20 more, 130 more [;)] or just a different perspective.

    I look forward to the day when I can help others who want to know more. Its one of my 3 motivations to wanting abundant wealth.


    What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

    Profile photo of BEAR1964BEAR1964
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 702

    Hi Riffraff

    I am interested in your story if you would like to share it here or even email me on bear1964(at) or ring me on 0407607 890.

    Its great to hear other success stories, and I also didn’t have alot to do with Bill however i did find him very helpful and accessible when contacted.

    Regards Bear

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