Its that time of year…..the time when we sit down and thank god for this rotten year nearly being over!! Sure its had its high lights….hey Im moderator so ner [
1. Fences are not dog proof. Even after arty has nailed in 7,468 nails and we are broke from trips to bunnings to buy bigger and better nails….fences just are not dog proof. So if you see a blue heeler……and shes hungry and lost…..feed her please. She could be our missing puppy dog
2. Rats have alot of babies in one litter!! We gave away 15 so we own 8 now. NO MALES!! *mumbling something about bloody men*
3. People that buy houses at auction then skip town leaving you in the sh!t without the deposit should DIE!! DIE!! DIEE!!!!! Ok..(deep breath)….Im over it.
4. The cost of barbie doll accessories have risen to costs that equal a college education.
5. Santa has full access to my credit card. So does the easter bunny. But the tooth fairy actually steals her funds straight outta MY purse!!
6. As much as they annoy hell outta you… is important!!! (especially when you have spent all your money on nails and need to hit someone up for a loan….)
7. Friends are people God gave you to replace the family members you just dont like!! Treat them well…….and if your family wont cough up the dough….a friend is a good person to borrow money from!
8. If you are above ground today…..its a good day for you. Stop……smell the roses…..jump in puddles…..go pantyless to work…live out your biggest fantasy (yes mine is naked men and all the chocolate in the world!!)..enjoy today!! Tomorrow just might not make it here.
9. It takes 42 facial muscles to frown….only 16 muscles to smile…….and only 4 muscles to reach out and bitch slap someone!
10. There are no promises and gurantees in this life….make it what you will. Stay happy. See the positives for they outweigh the negatives by far.
I also learnt little things like no matter what ya gonna eat a fly at a tradition aussie BBQ, I cant dance or sing like madonna… matter how much alcohol I consume, my kids will only tidy their rooms if theres something in it for them…or they sense I am PMSing, dogs dont like cats and cats dont like water…..while rats like neither dogs cats water OR kids!!
All in all tho…….I wouldnt have missed ANY of it for the world!!! [][][][]
“If you are above ground today…..its a good day for you.”
Good one Pinky []
There are many great positive quotes floating around the forum, but I really like this one. Think I might stick it up on the chalkboard so I can see it while I do my horrible bookkeeping.[}]
Sue []
“Be careful not to step on the flowers when you’re reaching for the stars”
8. If you are above ground today…..its a good day for you. Stop……smell the roses…..jump in puddles…..go pantyless to work…live out your biggest fantasy (yes mine is naked men and all the chocolate in the world!!)..enjoy today!! Tomorrow just might not make it here.
Were do you work and Ill bring the chocolate.
Merry Christmas
“Together we combine our strengths and eliminate our weaknesses”
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