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  • Profile photo of CorporateMonkeyCorporateMonkey
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12

    hey, me too Chandara!!
    on the forum christmas day…I can give up anytime I want.. :o)
    please email me any details on upcoming meetings!! I live in nth sydney so anywhere in sydney metro area would be great
    Thanks a bunch
    let’s do this!

    -Nathan [:D

    Profile photo of guccigalguccigal
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 23

    me three Chandara [:D

    Thanks and Merry Christmas

    ‘There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way.’

    Profile photo of beerboybeerboy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 55

    hi nath get in there and have a go yourself investing is your mentor.

    Profile photo of Alexander2Alexander2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 82

    PeterM, I live locally to Five Dock, could you let me know of any other similar seminars, I would be delighted to go to as many as I could.

    Hope everybody had a fantastic christmas and is on a roll for a brilliant New Year…
    Take care..

    Profile photo of Julian

    Hi Chandara,

    I live in Hurstville, Could you email the details for the meeting you mentioned for the 22/01/03. It sounds like it may be what I have been looking for.

    Kind regards


    Profile photo of Julian

    Hi Chandara,

    I live in Hurstville, Could you email the details for the meeting you mentioned for the 22/01/03. It sounds like it may be what I have been looking for.

    Kind regards


    Profile photo of Julian

    Hi Chandara,

    I live in Hurstville, Could you email the details for the meeting you mentioned for the 22/01/03. It sounds like it may be what I have been looking for.

    Kind regards


    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Hi Alex (and others).

    There are meetings once a month at Five Dock. The next one is 22/1/2004.

    They aren’t seminars so much as a general get together where different things are discussed.

    I suggest you contact Tom Spillane for further details.

    His email address is



    Profile photo of dynamicduodynamicduo
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 21


    A group of like minded people is imperitive to the success of any given pursuit and a mentor can empower one to fast track the same success.

    Both of my mentors have mentors of their own whom have mentors of their own and so on.

    My advice to any individual that is wishing to fast track their success…” relentlessly seek a mentor that has done the things you wish to do no matter what the cost.!”

    Wishing the best of success

    “A true warrior sees misfortune as a challenge not as a curse”

Viewing 9 posts - 21 through 29 (of 29 total)

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