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  • Profile photo of nathan210

    Hi all.

    My name is nathan & i live in wollongong NSW. I have actively been searching for prperties to invest into, but to date, have been unsuccessful. Unfortunately i am not lucky enough to have someone help guide me through the process of finding, financing & looking for more to invest in. Having read MANY real estate books, dolf de roos, steve mcnight etc.., i feel that ireally need a physical mentor to possibly sit down with me & give me advice & tips that i can practically use. Does anyone have any advice, or live in the general area that could help me to work my way through it. Unfortunately my family is getting bored of my constant talking about real estate!! & i could really benefit if i could communicate with others that are genuinely interested in real estate on a regular basis (almost like being at TAFE & doing real estate assignments etc..)

    If anyone has any ideas i would love to hear from you!


    Profile photo of Matt P

    Hi Nathan

    Where abouts are you situated.


    “If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.”

    “Isn’t it time for a change?”

    Profile photo of nathan210


    Hi Nathan

    Where abouts are you situated.


    “If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.”

    “Isn’t it time for a change?”

    I am situated 10 minutes north of Wollongong, a place called Woonona. Have you heard of it? It is on the coast.

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    maybe some of you should start a mentoring group and mentor eachother. Like having buddies to be accountable to. set eachother goals,etc. It’s amazing how between a group of you, you might have the answer, even though none of you might be experts on your own.

    just a thought.

    BTW I can relate to your family being bored stupid by it, my BF is a bit over my pbsession with RE and wishes it would go away, actually!
    Even though he’s been the most supportive in the world, and helped me do two renos! (maybe *that’s* why he’s over it, *grin*!)
    that’s why late at night and when he is at work/uni is when I concentrate on it! and go nuts!

    Profile photo of PropertyGuruPropertyGuru
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,502

    Hey Nathan,
    Contact Tom Spillane. He does group meeting in Sydney every second week may be you want to come.



    Profile photo of nathan210

    cool, thanks heaps guys/girls. i will check it all out.


    Profile photo of JetDollars


    The next meeting is on Thursday 11/12/03. There will be an interesting topics to discuss ie. Trust, balance sheet, Statement of Goals, Cash Flow Statement. Check out ‘Heads Up’ for more details.

    Kind regards

    [Keep going, you’re nearly reach the end of financial freedom]

    Profile photo of CracklesCrackles
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 13

    Where abouts are these meetings held? I would love to come along.

    why am i confused?? How do i get a user name?

    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    confused, click on the Profile tab at the top of the page. then you can choose whatever name you want.


    Profile photo of kay henry


    You don’t need to look for mentors (leaders). I am sure that your experience in life and your willingness to get into RE investing gives you many skills etc :o) You can meet up with other people with similar interests. The notion of “mentoring” is a bit patronising, I reckon. I have no doubt you could meet up with people with skills, such as Tom spillane, and together, you can discuss RE until the cows come home!!

    And MiniMog- yes, let’s do coffee ;) We can be the “3 IP’ers”. hehe. I live in chippendale. Nathan, please feel free to hang out with us and discuss RE, but I have nothing to teach really. I spend too much of my life learning to teach. But mini knows a thing or two about stuff [:O] so she might be of more use :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Matt P

    Hey All,
    I think forming groups is probably one of the best was to acquire knowledge, apart from the forums, and life experiences.


    “If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.”

    “Isn’t it time for a change?”

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    “The notion of “mentoring” is a bit patronising, I reckon. “

    I so agree!! Um, no I don’t actually, what do i mean? I just mean – unless you’re well qualified.
    A mentor to me is someone like Steve. Someone with 100 times the experience I’ve got and then some.

    Sharing information and helping eachother is something different, people on the journey at roughly the same point can do a lot in the absence of a ‘real’ mentor.

    kay, you are so on for coffee. i am going on holidays overseas for a month so how about in the new year? I am in Paddington so nice and close.


    Profile photo of kay henry

    New Year sounds good MiniMogs :o)

    Re mentoring, I guess I feel I learn technical information from a number of sources- from here, other forums, from books, newspaper articles, RE agents, banks, IP’ing friends… so many people! But to me, that’s all a part of “research”. So that’s the technical bit. In terms of perspectives, I like to work stuff out for myself. Read as much as I can, and then analyse what seems right for me. I really need that independence. It doesn’t mean I don’t agree, of course, with much of what others say. It just means I think even mentors can be full of it :o)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of JetDollars


    Sorry the meeting is over. The next meeting will be on 22/01/03.

    Kind regards

    [Keep going, you’re nearly reach the end of financial freedom]

    Profile photo of nathan210

    Kay Henry,

    I do agree with you also kay, as i prefer to work things out for myself usually, it gives me increased satisfaction in knowing that i conquered something! I guess i just need a kick in the backside to get motivated! Geez, dont i wish i knew then (2 years ago before the boom) what i know now. Probably would have a few more $$ to my name. Anyways, it creates a bigger challenge for me to conquer! Wahoo! Thanks again for your advice guys.

    Merry xmas, happy new year & safe holidays!!


    Profile photo of kay henry


    I’m off to Wollongong today actually, to sign a mortgage contract for a place I bought in Qld. f you’d like to catch up one day for a coffee or something (I ain’t no mentor, but I’m a bit in love with real estate and I do love coffee!) please feel free to contact me on

    Happy Christmas!

    kay henry

    Profile photo of nathan210


    Cool, sounds good. Will look to having a coffee in the new year maybe? Hope you enjoy your visit to the Gong, very busy today here with all Xmas craziness!!

    Merry Xmas, Happy New Year & Safe holidays.


    Profile photo of guccigalguccigal
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 23

    Hi Mini,

    Do you mind me asking how old you are? I noticed that you said your bf is in uni, so im guessing your early 20’s, I thought you would be much older you seem to know so much!! (btw im 21)

    ‘There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way.’

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    I was amazed to see the low number of people who attended a recent meeting at Five Dock (which I attended).

    I would have thought that with so many people frequenting this website and so many people living in Sydney there would be more than just a handful.

    It means that a lot of people are sitting on the fence theorising and dreaming whilst writing posts but not really being serious enough about the subject to get motivated enough to hop into the car and invest a couple of hours.

    (Is the reason it isn’t valued perhaps because it is free ?)

    I travel once a month from Sydney to Maitland to attend a small gathering of four people.

    I certainly don’t need any mentoring or, for that matter, someone to hold my hand but I do nevertheless get some benefit from talking to others.


    Profile photo of christine_2christine_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 7

    Hi Chandara,

    Could you email the details for the meeting you mentioned for the 22/01/03. It sounds like it may be what I have been looking for.

    Kind regards


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