All Topics / Heads Up! / Whats happening with MAP…????

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  • Profile photo of centralian

    What has been happening with the Millionare Apprentice Program..(MAP).?? Haven’t seen any up dates on Today Tonight. Would be very interested on how the Lucky 10 couples are progressing..

    Profile photo of wilandel

    Hi Centralian,

    The MAP program is still ongoing. It is taking lots of commitment and is constantly challenging everyone involved!

    Perhaps Today Tonight has died down a bit (for a while), because the people on the MAP may not want the rest of Australia constantly knowing their very personal business. There is enough pressure without the added stress of being seen across Australia. It is a personal journey for all involved. There will definately be some great successes, and some great disappointments. That’s life. [;)]

    Everyone on the MAP is networking well with the other MAP participants. The group is helping & challenging eachother in many ways. That is what makes the MAP so special.

    Steve & Dave are fantastic with their guidance, and we all respect them so much, for making the decisions that they have.

    Whether or not I make it to the end of the MAP, (due to whatever reason) I am greatful for the wonderful opportunity. I think that each person who started on the MAP journey is a success, whether or not they achieve their goal at the end. Each person is learning a lot about themselves, sometimes “they themselves” are their own biggest hurdles.

    Thanks for asking,

    Del [:)

    Profile photo of centralian

    Hi Del,
    Thank you for the reply…I for my own personal interest was wondering on how the program was going. I suppose you could say I’m envies of all those on the program..Good Luck to all…[:D]

    Profile photo of LeahBLeahB
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 13

    When I went to STeve and Daves semminar they got the MAP people to stand up and tell us how they were all going (and I was lucky to sit on a table with one lovey lady!) and it was AMAZING to here how they people were going!!! I certainly wish I was one of the people!! and they seem to be goinng very strong!!

    Leah B

    Profile photo of Rebecca1

    Without wanting to spoil the back-slapping party, I really think you should provide some specifics.

    To imply that the results need to be private because the lucky 10 don’t want the rest of the country to know their business is nonsensical.

    This was a very public challenge where millions of people were told about a program that could make them into millionaires in 12 months. They were ready to go public to be accepted.

    Why so shy now?

    Something doesn’t feel right. Without specific progress reports, you are leaving yourselves wide open to some rather awkward questions.

    And, please, don’t throw brickbats at me. My message is just the first whisper of a strong wind that may soon be a-blowin’ your way.



    Profile photo of Fibejebe

    When did the 12 months start?

    Profile photo of Rebecca1

    <<edited as being yet another pointless post made by the author that adds nothing to the discussion.>>

    Profile photo of Steve McKnight

    Ah Rebecca,

    While not try and articulate a productive answer rather hint at something fishy going on…???…

    Still, to give you some idea of the progress, at last count the group had bought $6m+ of real estate in four months. That figure is rising all the time…

    From memory, the 12 months started at the beginning of August 2003.

    As I have said to the odd critic, before making a judgement call let’s wait for the results to come in.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Rebecca1

    Ah, come on Steve. You can’t honestly, in your heart of hearts, expect to get away with this sort of response.

    Six million dollars worth of real estate?

    It’s not hard to buy real estate at the moment. To equate the price paid for property with success as an investor is either incompetent or misleading.

    Before you delete this message – as you have with my others when my questions make you uncomfortable – think about this. I am not the only one who is going to ask these questions. You won’t be able to spend your life deleting questions or comments you don’t like.

    This forum may be your world, but one day you will have to explain to the real world what’s happening to all those people who were promised they could become millionaires in 12 months.

    A person with a million dollars of property and a million dollars in debt is NOT a millionaire, Steve, no matter what you may try to say.

    Now, quick, delete this before too many people see it. Hurry, they’re looking at it already!


    Profile photo of wilandel


    The MAP was to get the people to “control $1mil of property” not become a “millionaire”.

    The Map is going very well, even though the real estate market has changed dramatically in the last 6 months or so.

    I haven’t replied to your posts earlier, because I thought that your posts didn’t really deserve a reply.

    As far as your comment “they were ready to go public to be accepted”… Well, Today Tonight actually come along well after each person had been accepted. We agreed to do Today Tonight and possibly will again soon, if it fits in with what we are doing. We are all in the MAP to buy property, not become TV stars.

    Del [:)

    Profile photo of Rebecca1

    Check the transcript from the TV shows.


    P.S. The rest of this message has been self-censored (to save you the time of doing it).

    Profile photo of Steve McKnight



    P.S. The rest of this message has been self-censored (to save you the time of doing it).

    See Bec, I knew you could actually adhere to the rules if you set your mind to it.

    Now, having done the interview I can tell you on good authority that the aim of the MAP was to control $1m in property (and not to make someone a millionaire) within 12 months. This was said on camera and broadcast as said.

    As for getting away, or not getting away, with anything… let’s just wait the required 12 months and see what happens.

    Now, pertaining to your comment about deleting posts etc… I’m not fussed by your criticism… far greater minds have had much better things to be critical of.

    I simply reject any posts made by you (or anyone else) that are in what the average reader might would deem as bad faith.

    As the owner of this site and one of the moderators, I guess I set the tone and if you don’t like the editorial policy then… start up your own forum and do what you like.

    Until then – live by the rules or don’t post.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Fibejebe


    Will you be repeating the MAP program? And how did you select the applicants? Hope these aren’t dumb questions but if I told you that I had watched 3 hours of TV in the past couple of months, I would be exaggerating.


    Profile photo of The DIY Dog Wash


    All I have to say with my exacerbated breath is that the MAP program was started well before the TT show went to air, the participants of the MAP program were attendees of the APIM seminar held in May by Steve & Dave after an extensive selection process.

    Some of the selected people were shown on the air that night. The people you are referring to are those that were selected from the TT viewers to be personally mentored for 12 months by Steve.

    I can also assure you that the information will be made very public in due course.

    Leigh K

    Carve your own path and lead the way …

    Profile photo of Rebecca1

    Yea, well, I am sure it will.


    Profile photo of ShusharShushar
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 190


    You sound very bitter – why?


    Profile photo of The DIY Dog Wash

    Let’s leave Bec alone Folks.


    Carve your own path and lead the way …

    Profile photo of Rebecca1

    LeighK, I thank you for sticking up for me. I have noticed the bullying that comes in this forum, but hey, I don’t mind.

    When I was a little girl I once ripped up my sister’s doll. She said that when I grew up I would be a ripper.

    And now, perhaps I am bitter that I missed out on the MAP and didn’t get the chance to fill my sister’s childhood prediction.



    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435

    Bec like cat fight.

    Warm Regards

    [Keep going, you’re nearly reach the end of financial freedom]

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