All Topics / General Property / who plans to buy in the next month ?

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  • Profile photo of Rob28Rob28
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    Am just in the process of finalising the purchase of a property. Like a number of others in the forum, if everything stacks up then I will invest.

    Profile photo of Prop16

    3! You ought to be happy! Good on you Kay, well done!

    Have you read my post in the General Investing Forum? Might be of interest to you.

    I’ve asked you a week or 2 ago if you were related to Henry Kaye or were Mrs…. HK, remember? [:)

    Profile photo of RodCRodC
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 335

    I’m not actively looking at the moment, so I don’t expect to buy in the next month or two. However, I wouldn’t say I’d quit. Just taking a pause until conditions look a little more promising.


    Profile photo of RubbachookRubbachook
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 288

    Like most people, I’m just getting my pre-approvals and finance in order so that I can go should something arise.

    Lack of supply is my principal reason for hanging back.

    Profile photo of Kimmy1Kimmy1
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8

    Hi everyone! I’m a newbie but have been following the threads with great interest. My partner and I have just bought our first PPOR in Sydney [:D] at almost 10% undervalue (anxious vendors and a relatively untapped suburb). We’re now sitting tight and watching the market, although not by choice! Champing at the bit to get going… We only settled 1 month ago and have just had 2 other similar houses in our street go up with different agents for 70k more than we paid. So we’re excited and dreaming about that LOC and the equity in our PPOR – we’re aiming that in the next 12-24m we’ll be ready to make our move towards financial freedom!
    Keep the good advice coming guys, I’m loving the learning!


    Profile photo of JetstreamJetstream
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12


    Good post Westan!

    This is a topic that I have thought about tons lately – what to do! Keeps me awake at night even! It is difficult when markets in different states are running different races and you hear such different reports/ opinions.
    We are really keen to get a coast IP – for future use by us also (Sunshine coast QLD) and can’t make up our mind as to whether to wait and see or find something now for the capital growth. (as it would definitely be negatively geared – which I hate!)
    It is hard to know!

    General investing in other areas, we will get the finances prepared ready for the exodus that is due to happen in the next year or so.


    Profile photo of rocket2rocket2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 21

    Hi everyone, always looking! always keen! Would buy daily if the sum’s add up and i could get the finance. Rocket[^]

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    Props :o)

    Married to henry kaye would make me kay kaye, right? And you never answered me as to your cultural background? I’m interested to know where you’re from. I’m travelling to Austria next year and i’ve never been OS before, so it should be lots of fun.

    Thanks for your comment elsewhere, Mr Proppy :O) I felt kind of asked to leave another forum, so I did so. It hurts a bit to be spoken about like that, but what can one do? :o) I think i’d prefer to be in an environment where one can be oneself- it’s a bit healthier for me :)

    So still here!

    kay henry

    Profile photo of ANUBISANUBIS
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 559

    Not buying but we are selling in the next month as well as building.

    Profile photo of RugbyfanRugbyfan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 683


    Not buying but we are selling in the next month as well as building.

    Just getting started into ‘THE GAME’. I have pre approved finance and plenty of time to look for property. I am really looking forward to buying some anytime from now on!

    Profile photo of HueyHuey
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 213

    I’ve been looking around for a PPOR and an IP but they are all overpriced. I wait but still open my eyes. [:)

    Profile photo of Prop16

    Hi Mrs. Kaye…eh sorry Mrs. Kay [:)

    You said you’re going to Austria? Don’t forget to visit Glinsing, a small town outside Wiena. Wellknown as a place to drink wine, it appears like everybody is drunk in town! How wouldn’t they if they drink wine from big glasses (like the beer glasses in Bavaria). Also the Spanish Ride School in Wiena, the Museum and Innsbrueck. It’s a country with beautiful scenery, same is Switzerland and South Germany! And….the Riviera in South France of course.

    You must noticed from my limited vocabulary that I wasn’t born here in Australia.
    I originated from Indonesia, Chinese background (can’t speak Chinese though), went to a Dutch school, studied in West Berlin and living happily in the Sunshine state now. Enough?[:)

    Profile photo of ComsolComsol
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 38

    hi all,

    Still waiting to get into our first ip but will hang tight for a while after talking to billfromoz and reading the forum. We have some finance pre-approved but want to get a little more capital together and wait for the market heat to “dissipate” a bit. Still determined to do it though when the time is right.



    OPM – use Other People’s Money and learn from Other People’s Mistakes

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Hi all,
    am watching to see what happens here in Oz. I don’t feel the need to rush out. There were bargains around a while ago, and there will be bargains around tomorrow – am sorting out all the financials ready for when something interesting does come up.[:)

    Profile photo of westanwestan
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,950

    hi castle dreamer

    the plans are to leave on Dec 31st, i’ve been flat out getting everything in order back here.
    thanks for asking
    regards westan

    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    Looking to settle on an office purchase – part rental and part my own use. Rental will pay loan, my own use therefore FREE[:)

    Also looking to settle on one pos cashflow place that was offered and accepted waaay back in August. After that will definitely sit back and watch and wait.

    Trying to add value to what I’ve got at the moment.


    Profile photo of C2C2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 518

    If I can I will and if I can’t I won’t.

    Is it true the more you owe the more you grow until the bank steps in?”

    Profile photo of BronnyBronny
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 9

    Me and my partner Paul have just purchased our
    2nd house this year, so we’ve got 3 now. I think
    I’ll sit on that till next year, then I’d like to buy a property in Darwin possibly in the CBD.
    He just goes along with me, he’s a litte apprehensive, about loans, but I just tell him you’ve got to borrow money to make money!!

    I guess without kids and 2 decent incomes I’m not
    too concerned about interest rates, all our income is paying of the loan quickly.

    Profile photo of TassTass
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 25

    I would happily purchase in the next month & lock my int rates for 5 years . Problem is finding the right IP for the right price [:)

    Profile photo of annaw2annaw2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 178

    Hi Westan,

    Settling on one in a couple of weeks (was a long drawn out one, not of our doing), selling one which settles early december, looked at one this morning and having a second look on Monday. It could be a reno/sell, money to be made.

    Interesting post to see what everyone is up to.


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