All Topics / General Property / Abbreviations

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  • Profile photo of Prop16

    Abbreviations for your perusal.
    Please add what is missing, thanks.

    COC Cash on Cash Return
    FHOG First Home Owner Grant
    LMI Lenders Mortgage Insurance
    LOC Line Of Credit
    LVR Loan to Value Ratio
    MI Mortgage Insurance
    QS Quantity Surveyor
    ROI Return On Investment

    AUSD Auction Sold
    AUHB Auction Passed in, highest Bid
    AUPI Auction Passed In, price undisclosed
    AUNA Auction, no information disclosed
    AUNB Auction No Bid
    AUFS Auction For Sale
    AUPN Auction Sold prior, price undisclosed
    AUPP Auction postponed
    AUSA Sold after auction
    AUSP Auction Sold Prior
    AUSN Auction sold, price undisclosed
    AUSS Sold after auction, price undisclosed
    AUWD Auction withdrawn
    PTSD Private Treaty Sold
    PTLA Private Treaty Sold
    (Private Treaty sale Love & Affection
    as defined by ACT Planning and Land
    PTSW Private Treaty Sold
    (Private Treaty price Warning. Price as
    reported by the relevant state valuer
    general or equivalent. But Home Price
    Guide research indicates the price may
    be too low or too high for a single
    residential property. These prices are
    not included in statistical analysis)
    PTFS Private Treaty For Sale
    TNSD Tender Sold
    TNFS Tender For Sale

    a/c air conditioning
    alc alcove
    amen amenities
    balc balcony
    b/i built-in
    bics built-in cupboards
    bk brick
    blk block
    bir built-in robe
    br bedroom
    bt brick walls with tiled roof
    bv brick veneer
    c/space car space
    cnr corner
    const construction
    cpbds cupboards
    crm cream
    crpt carpet
    crtyrd courtyard
    ct, ctl cement tiles
    d/h ducted heating
    d/w dishwasher
    dg, dbl gar double garage
    dble double
    dble fr double fronted
    dbr double bedroom
    dec decorative
    dep deposit
    det detached
    df double fronted
    din dining
    din rm dining room
    dlug double lock-up garage
    Edw Edwardian (architectural style)
    elf electric light fittings
    elhws electric hot water service
    encl enclosed
    ens ensuite bathroom
    ent entrance, entry
    estab established
    exc excellent
    ext external
    f tld fully tiled
    f/furn fully furnished
    fib fibro
    fitts fittings
    fl covs floor coverings
    flr floor
    fmly family room
    fstand freestanding
    gar garage
    ghws gas hot water service
    htg heating
    hws hot water service
    ig, ingr inground pool
    int internal
    k’ette kitchenette
    kit kitchen
    l’fitt light fittings
    ldr lounge dining room
    ldry laundry
    lge large
    liv living
    lng, lnge lounge
    lu lock-up
    lug lock-up garage
    mais maisonette
    mod modern
    mstr master
    mtge mortgage
    ofp open fire place
    ono or nearest offer
    ophws off peak hot water service
    orig original
    os off street
    pkg, prkg parking
    pol flrs polished floors
    pos position
    pw, p/w per week
    qual quality
    rc reverse cycle
    rec recess
    rem remote control
    rend rendered
    reno renovated
    ret return
    rf roof
    rla rear lane access
    row right of way
    s’out sleep out
    sb solid brick
    sc self-contained
    sec security
    semi semi-detached
    sep separate
    sf, sgle fr single fronted
    sgl single
    shr shower
    spac spacious
    sqm squaremetre
    sss stainless steel sink
    stca subject to council approval
    stry storey
    sty storey
    sunrm sunroom
    t’out throughout
    tce terrace
    tf timber frame
    tld rf tiled roof
    tmbr timber
    tpl triple
    uc, u/c under cover
    unreno unrenovated
    upstrs upstairs
    ven blds venetian blinds
    ver verandah
    vic Victorian (architectural style)
    vp vacant possession
    vw views
    wb weatherboard
    wc water closet (toilet)
    wfront waterfront
    wi wrought iron
    wi pant walk-in pantry
    wir walk-in robe
    ww wall to wall
    yo years old
    yr blt year built

    Profile photo of MyydralMyydral
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 259

    PPOR = Principle Place Of Residence
    IP = Investment Property

    “Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”

    Profile photo of ProjectProject
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 31

    sif = as if
    sifnt = as if it is’nt
    owned = defeated
    uber = very
    gay = bad
    madness = really good
    thur = there
    powah = power
    lol = laugh out loud
    rofl = roll on floor laughing
    pron = porn

    have i started an abbreviation post?… NO it was Prop16 !

    Profile photo of breakfreebreakfree
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 21

    Thanks very much for the lists. It is very helpful. without them, I will be lost.

    Profile photo of OzpatinQ8OzpatinQ8
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 40

    P&I(P/I) – Principal & interest
    FYI – For your Information
    Pos(+ve) – Positive
    Neg(-ve) – Negative

    “Success comes from having the proper aim as well as the right ammunition”

    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00


    That is a very comprehensive list, whenever i get stuck on an abbreviation from now on i’ll be clicking on this topic!

    Thanks heaps Prop16


    Profile photo of BillfromozBillfromoz
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 381

    G’day Benny…

    How could you forget so soon…

    What about..

    BSS’s….. FBSSOG……..Endless list



    Bill O’Mara
    Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.

    Profile photo of Prop16

    [:D] How’s the BSS business going anyway Bill?
    Is there still a STRONG DEMAND and isn’t it effected by the interest rate rise? How am I supposed to achieve early retirement if I’m only limited to 4?
    What about the PTs? (Public Toilets)[:)

    Thanks for the contributions guys. Don’t forget to copy-paste it to Excel or Word to make it easy for additioanl abbs.later.

    Profile photo of mmerlinmmerlin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 11

    awesome list prop16

    only one more I could think of

    SOB = shower over bath

    (The Australian) Real Estate Search Engine

    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00

    PAYG = pay as you go

    what does PAYE mean guys?


    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429


    PAYE = Pay as you Earn – the pre GST terminology for PAYG.

    mmerlin, are you sure SOB is shower over bath, I always thought it was…, never mind, I probably shouldn’t write that here[^]


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00


    could you please explain to me in simpler terms what peterp is saying in my post on tax rates, his post is the first on the 2nd page, i don’t get what he means???

    sorry bout barging in on this post prop16[:I][B)]


    Profile photo of Prop16


    I think he meant that the Families with 20-40K earnings, when you add up all the benefits they get their actual income are more than 62K.

    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00

    Prop, i’ll answer back in my topic so as to not intrude on your abbreviations topic,


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