Through reading Steve’s book, the forums here and other literature on property investing it seems that it is normal practice to place multiple offers on various properties that fit your criteria at the same time – in the hope that one is successful.
What I’m wondering is – what happens if two or three of your offers get accepted? Aren’t you then obliged to go thru with the deal even though you can only afford one property? Or, do people just enact the “unable to get finance” clause in this situation? And… if you kept on using this clause would that not tarnish your name in the area?
As an Agent with 30 years experience…. one of my skills was to identify the “wannabee” purchasers from the “genuine” buyers if only to protect my clients .. the vendors. I recall one evening saying to the Vendor…”that guy is just like the barbers cat… all pi** and wind.
The owner said, ” but he’s been here for hours, of course he’s going to buy”. Sure enough… I get a call the next day with some lame excuse as to why he can’t proceed… I was not surprised.
I have known of “buyers” to offer $100 deposit on as many as 3 properties in the one weekend… that’s why I never valued a “holding deposit”
You are absolutely right… Agents passed the name around of the problem buyer. Nothing worse than telling the Vendor on Sat.”It’s Sold” and then the bad news Mon/Tues.
My wife would say “but the’re nice people”… my comment was….”yes, but when they buy/sell Real Estate they change”…and they do.
You are an exception… find an Agent that appreciates your integrity and you’ll have a hassle free purchase or sale.
I would do biz with you any day….
Cheers and hope you find a like minded Agent…
I have a brother Chris..have a look at my Surname.
How about you test the waters Chriso… that was your first post… give us all a querie, question, comment… I promise to give you some help… and the next thing you’ll be posting every day/night
Sorry Billy, I was off searching for properties!! Found a few that I have asked further details about – I’m sure I’ll need some info and ideas soon though.
Regarding the multiple offers… I think the best thing to do is just have a sunset clause of only a few days away. That way you can hurry up and place other offers if nothing comes of it.
Hey all
Are you saying you think one should only have one offer in at one time? How long do you think is a reasonable time to allow the vendor to accept or decline the offer? Also what do you think are reasonable and unreasonable clauses(outs) to put in an offer?
Many thanks
By the way, where abouts are you based? I think I saw somewhere you are in Cowra. Is that right? Just that I am from Wagga and to start with would only be interested in (able to afford) country properties for a while. Havent started yet though as am 20 and study overseas for a while. No probs if you’d prefer not say.