All Topics / Opinionated! / Real Estate Riches- Dolf De Roos

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  • Profile photo of redwing

    Hi All

    Just noticed in the West Australian newspaper that there is a “Dolf De Roos Seminar” in Perth on 20th November.

    according to the blurb Dolf’s seminar is
    “creating wealth through real estate investing”

    and ROBERT KIYOSAKI gives him a good write up

    any thoughts/views.. has anyone attended elsewhere ??

    hey just noticed it’s presented by POWOW events.. is that our powow ( you there buddy? )

    “The man that thinks at 5o as he did when he was 20 has wasted 30 years of his life”

    Profile photo of MyydralMyydral
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 259

    No – PowWow is the company that promotes De Roos and Kiyosaki, amongst others[:)

    I have attended one of these in Sydney ( flew from Alice Springs just for that ) For the three hours I did not lose interest once. Informative, probably a good idea to do a bit of study before hand on real estate – now worries there if you read all the posts here.

    Bought some books, promotional material etc. “6 Steps to Becoming a Real Estate Investor” is a really good set of CD’s to listen to.

    I attended this seminar before I had heard about Steve McKnight and his book. To be totally objective though, I have learnt more from this site and the people who post here.

    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Redwing

    Have heard that what Dolf presents at his 3 hr seminar is mainly what is in his book Real Estate Riches.

    Perhaps try and get a copy of his book and have a read before going to the seminar.

    I haven’t been to any of his seminars but I have got a copy of his book and do have a browse of it now and again for reinforcement purposes.


    Profile photo of redwing

    Thanks myydral and Muppet

    Had a look at powowevents site and had a quick look at some of the information contained in the articles section ( saved most of it to browse later.)

    The tickets seem reasonable but i will do as muppet says and try to acquire the book.

    I also have learnt a lot from this site and hope to learn much-much more here alone

    Thanks for the input!!


    “The man that thinks at 5o as he did when he was 20 has wasted 30 years of his life”

    Profile photo of RodC


    Have heard that what Dolf presents at his 3 hr seminar is mainly what is in his book Real Estate Riches

    I agree with muppet, the seminar contents is pretty much identical to the book contents. There’s certainly some good stuff there, but if you’ve read his book or listened to any of his tapes, you’ll be struggling to find much that is new. The 3 hour seminar is very much a promo for the weekend workshop.


    Profile photo of battz71battz71
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 95

    I went to Dolfs Brissy 3hr seminar on Saturday. ANd yes I agree with comments here that he basically covers what is in Real Estate Riches.

    In saying that just to hear the man live is impressive. ANd he does challenge your “old ways” of thinking. He is very motivating, and that alone is worth $60.

    He also discusses his current project in Vegas, where he has bought 52 properties in 10months using a clever/risky strategy.

    All in all im a Dolf fan and have enjoyed his book and hearing him speak.



    Profile photo of redwing

    Thanks to all for your input,

    i’ll more than likely go along and drag a friend or two along as i’m open to new ideas and as has been said “it’s motivational”

    Have the next few days off so will probally chase up his book.. also “the one minute millionaire” to look at,

    Thanks again [^]


    “The man that thinks at 5o as he did when he was 20 has wasted 30 years of his life”

    Profile photo of redwing


    Rethinking after visiting

    And reading john T reeds lengthy analysis of Dolf De Roos book and the above posts we’ll see…

    “The man that thinks at 5o as he did when he was 20 has wasted 30 years of his life”

    Profile photo of PropertyGuruPropertyGuru
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,502

    Hi All,

    I went to his Seminar in Sydney yesterday. I have read all his books so you can say couple of things was repetition for me but overall it was very good and I suggest every one to spend $69 for his 2.30 hours seminar. Even his big 2-day seminar is only about 3k, which is very cheap compare to some other people doing their seminar for 4k to 15k.


    Profile photo of RodC

    I may have appeared overly negative with my last comments. I certainly consider that I got my money’s worth when I saw Dolf last year.


    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Redwing

    More postings to read if interested re Dolf de Roos.


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    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 60

    Its also interesting that he is hoping to take his property investment company public.

    NZ Property Investing News

    Profile photo of lozza123lozza123
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 81

    Hey Redwing (& everybody else)

    I have been to two of Dolf’s evening seminars, both in Melbourne. (I took my hubby along the second time, which was last year)

    I would have to say he is very good, but the second seminar was pretty much a re-hash of the first time I saw him. He certainly has a lot of experience all over the world!

    The book “Real Estate Riches” was excellent, and it definitely inspired me to invest in property, because it gives you all the real arguments why property is better… (eg, leveraging ability, can be more creative, etc)

    I also bought the other thin book about “101 ways to massively increase the value of your property”.

    Happy reading!!


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