All Topics / Forum Frolic / We are moving house FINALLY !!

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  • Profile photo of Arty

    Forumites lend me your ears….[:D

    Summary to all the events in our past….(room fades to black..) [xx(]

    We sold our house at auction, then it fell through, and we sold again private. We then rented our house back for 6 months, (till Dec)

    We are now moving out (3 weeks) to Pinkys brothers rental house. We will sit there till the market settles, due to the current interest rate jumping around. We have no loans/debt, so we want to sit back and smell the roses, reflect and then plan the next move.

    We are moving into a better house though, Air con, Heating, spa, 3 bedrooms, bungalow, 2 sheds, polished floors, dishwasher (YAY!), wall oven, walk in robe in the master, and built in robes for the kids…. huge back yard….
    so we should be comfortable.

    And the best part its cheap rent.

    The worst part is moving all the crap we have accumulated over time… im a hoarder!, anything that is given away I take, and make the most of. Including a full sized marble billard table…. thats going to be heavy !!. [:D

    We need to repack some of the boxes, we packed back at the start of the year, as they have been raided for things, and the cats have used them for scratching posts…. [:O

    We are just glad to finally move from the house we sold twice… its a relief !!! [:D



    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi rAty

    I know how you feel. We have moved 7 times in the last 17 years so we have things down to a fairly fine art now.

    I noticed you didn’t mention Pinkeeeeeeeee’s rats?

    I presumed they moved as well.


    Profile photo of wilandel

    We shifted last weekend! It was caos!!!

    No matter how many times you do it, it really doesn’t get easier…

    We have sold and are renting now also. It is by choice, to use all our money on IP’s and have some spare $$$ to spend when houses get a bit cheaper. No more line of credit – YAY, so we wont just be making the banks rich.

    The house we have just moved to is much smaller than what we had… NO ENSUITE!![:(

    Even though it’s smaller, it feels very cosy, and it will be much easier to clean![:)

    We’re renting a property owned by Will’s parents, so we are lucky. It’s on 25 acres and we can bring our horses – thank goodness.[:D

    Good luck with it all,[;)


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Del I want to come and live with you!!! PLEASE?? I can bring all my animals too! LOL

    As for shifting….Ill be at work that day…no no I just CAN NOT get time off….oh what a shame….*sigh* [:P

    Profile photo of wilandel


    How did you manage that?

    I obviously couldn’t arrange that because Will & I work together running an asparagus packing shed and Will is the boss…

    He would never go for that…

    Actually, he got phoned to go back to work in the afternoon ‘cos 4 people were away, and had to leave ME to finish it all…

    AND he worked all Sunday….(Not by choice)


    Oh well, slowly but surely it will all get finished…ONE DAY!

    Life is too short to worry about “little” things…

    Oh Muppet, I think we beat your record….

    We have actually bought, sold, bought sold, built sold, 5 times in the last 5 years…

    Perhaps we shouldn’t unpack any boxes…

    Just live out of a suitcase – would be easier…[:I



    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Del

    Actually haven’t bought and sold. Originally we moved out of our own house and moved into a school house.

    Each time since then we have moved to another school house. In other words the house has gone with the job.

    The one we are in at the moment costs only $10 per week. This is due to go up in the new year however. The Govt has got wise to what is happening.


    Profile photo of aj_2aj_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 86

    Hi folks
    please explain you say you sell your your houses why not rent
    the reason I ask we are moveing to the gong soon I say keep the house the boss says sell

    thanks for your advise

    pass it forward

    Profile photo of Arty

    We moved here about 4 years ago, that was a pain.. I hate having to pack and unpack and find the missing pieces to things.. you find a pot and no lid, or the toothbrush but cant find the paste…. LOL [:D



    Profile photo of wilandel

    Hi aj,

    Each time we bought a PPOR, it was meant to be for life!!![;)

    We changed our mind (a couple of times)[:I

    We sold it purely to start investing in a big way. We know that the interest rates are on their way up, and we wanted to lower our LVR and get rid of our LOC. We will be in a much better financial position, and in hindsight (spellcheck), we should have stayed in the first house that we bought(a 90 yr old home on 2 acres). Ah well, life is an adventure….

    Good luck all,[:D


    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    I think Pinky said ‘boss, we’re moving house on the weekend of ?? Nov, and it’s a real pain, and we’ve got all this stuff to pack and unpack, and, and, and. Would you do me a real favour and …….. absolutely refuse to give me the day off?’ Pause. ‘Thanks boss, I knew I could count on you. Now, can I have that in writing?’


    Profile photo of Arty

    .. I would love Pinky to take the day off.. just 1 day off!.. (she can be a work-a-holic when she want too…LOL)

    With all the furniture, the animals, the kids, the boxes, the headaches, I dont want a day of disaster… at least she can help with pounding my head against the house… LOL [:D



    Profile photo of Administrator

    LOL mel…..shhhhhhhhhh!! You were supposed to keep that a secret!! it isnt my fault my boss cant live without me!! hahahahaha

    and what Arty is really worried about is the fact that I have brought home stuff from work that needs checking and watching and all that…..and hes worried the family will find something embarassing!! hahahahahaha

    Profile photo of Arty


    Oh !!… I have to work on that day, just been told !!..

    Sorry hon, looks like we will have to leave it all to your brothers.. !!


    I cant tell work im busy ….LOL



    Profile photo of Arty

    YAY!..YAY!… Pinky got Saturday OFF work !!

    Im not working either.. My leg is sore from pulling it.. LOL [;)

    I also have Friday off for packing… [:D



    Profile photo of diclemdiclem
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 537

    Good luck with the move, you better hope it is not as hot as it was last weekend…then again it will be more comfortable for the semi-naked slaves I suppose…

    Sue [:)

    “Be careful not to step on the flowers when you’re reaching for the stars”

    Profile photo of Arty

    ..damn.. latest weather report.. just in !!> Rainy conditions ahead for Saturday… [:(

    I want semi-naked FEMALE slaves !!… [:D

    Any volunteers ???? [;)



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