We are trying to sell a property at present but the agent is not finding our buyer. Our asking price is $10,000 above a bank valuation 8 months old so we don’t think it is overpriced. 1 week left of the agency and then we will try ourselves. Would be very grateful to receive your ads and thanks for the info so far. homes@nimbus.com.au
Hi Bill, Your info came at a good time. Would love to see your ad, just trying to write one up now. We have done a rejuv on our property and still debating whether to use an agent or sell privately. Cheers Audrey
Have been unable to get to this site because our provider is having problems. Please add me to you email list re the ads and parts 2 and 3. Email is xxxxxx
if you are still emailing would appreciate a copy as contemplating selling jan 04 and this info sounds great thanks for being so generous to give everone your vast knoledge there sould more people like you in this world many
thanks bill[][]
email gary.thea@bigpond.com.au
Hi Bill, I hope you are still emailing. I would greatly appreciate any info you are sharing. It is lovely to see people willing to share their knowledge and experience with others. I too would like to be able to share something worthwhile in the future. Thanks in anticipation []