The Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth will be Your Differentiation in the presentation, your price, your marketing and how you conduct yourself in answering potential buyers questions.
This is not the secret… but a most important ingrediant,as with everything else that follows. Leave out any part of what I’m saying and it won’t work….simple as that.
In this post I will share my little known/used secrets, in achieving the Absolute Top Price, in Selling your home yourself in any market. Not one of my competitors in the Real Estate Industry was game enough or even knew how to put it together.
Your first task, as always, is to conduct genuineresearch in order to arrive at the True, non emotional Value of your home in todays, or any market.
It may take you many weeks of visiting other open houses checking original asking prices with final settled price.The average difference in Aussie is 6%, ie the eventual sale price is 94% of the first advertised price.Follow my advice, and this won’t happen to you While you are doing your research, you are also preparing your home for sale with a general tidy/clean up.
By now, having established your homes true value you add 6% to it… if you proved to yourself say $550,000, you will advertise it at $585,000. And that is the price you will sell it at no negotiations on price whatsover.
If you cannot price your home without emotional involvement your final figure will be out to buggery and you’ll end up with egg on your face. And that’s a fact of life in Real Estate.
Assuming you have got it right, your next task is to prepare your Editorial Style Press and Internet Advert…except, it won’t read like an advert….more of a story and a true one at that.
See part 2 in the next post for Advertising Your Home + an example, and how to conduct the inspections yourself. You will Sell by the second “open house” if not the first.
Who will pay you your asking price? Most genuine buyers seeking your type of home will pay it, and pay it quickly for fear of missing out. In particular, the Buyer that must sell another home first is your best chance. A cashed up buyer is very difficult to do business with at your price.
You simply give the interested Buyer up to 120 days to settle the sale with you.This of course, will be mentioned in you Editorial Style Advet. But don’t be surprised if they settle in 60/90 days.Their Bank, that approved their loan to buy yours will put pressure on your buyer to reduce his over inflated price…to get their old home sold. But that’s their concern, not yours.
A 10% cash or deposit bond held by your solicitor with an exchanged unconditional contract within 10 days of the initial handshake deal. No ifs, buts, maybes, or extensions of time.
In stressing the 10 day period the buyer must arrange the building inspection/pest report
and everything else that enables him/her to exchange an unconditional contract.
The buyer spending several hundred dollars on reports is genuine that’s why you encourage, even insist on it.They may wish another inspection after the handshake deal prior to exchange of contracts… consider it a positive and have a cup of coffee ready, especially if a friend or Grandma is also coming to have a look.
With a bit of luck you may get another buyer enquiry while they are present. You see, because you have been so frank and truthful in your dealings with them you have nothing to fear.You tend to get back what you give, and that is, the truth from them as well.
In any case, if the deal is not a goer, accept it graciously and consider better to know now, than in 2 weeks time. Immediately start calling the other would be buyers to arrange an inspection.
In 90% of cases you’ll find the deals done and they are excited to show family/ friends what they have just bought. This type of marketing and selling is so easy, without stress,even enjoyable.
It took me, on average 11 days to sell a house and I’ve just described to you how I did it. Next post is re the Advertisement for your Home Sale. Like the rest you have just read, the advert or “story” is going to be as honest and truthful that you may even question the frankness of it.
But, as I said earlier… leave anything out, like forgetting to mention the crack in the wall behind the HWS etc, you are only setting yourself up for a deal that may fall through. Buyers will cop just about anything provided they know upfront. Buyers don’t appreciate little surprises.
Really appreciate your tips. Can’t agree with you more that honesty is the best policy. Thinking of selling our house and considering whether to use agent(s) or sell privately.
good on you bill, a very interesting post. i agree with sweetie and love your “honesty” approach. its good to see that your years of property selling havn’t effected you adversly. i was involved in sales many years ago and sadly too often people are quick to sell their own integrity to make a dollar. the R/E idusrty is a shocker for lack of honesty and deserve the negative image they receive.
i also look forward to you next post
I have several well laid out Press Adverts that Knocked the socks off both Buyrs and sellers alike
The forum site wll not do them justice so please add an email address now and I’ll send straight away.
I cannot do it any other ay as I cannot receiveemails, but can send…Iprimus for the past 75 hours is having problems..Uggh
You can delete your email on receipt of several examples that sold at the advertised price on the first or second exhibition… 11 days to sell on average…. Radio announcer interviewed on tape 9 of my clients that confirmed their success… tape can be sent on request.
If I don’t hear back in 15 minutes we can do it tomorrow.
“Weird” checked e-mails, sent one to you then i logged onto forum and whose name “pop’s” up first, yours!![]
enjoyed your post( definetly one to store away ) not that i want to sell any of my places soon, hard enough aquiring them, but enjoyed the post and your input.
i recall some of your ads in an e-mail I.e Army-major-deserts-house and something about a famous-golfer, interesting, humourous and attention grabbing []
awaiting post 2
“The man that thinks at 5o as he did when he was 20 has wasted 30 years of his life”
I will be emailing Adverts to others Monday… at a civilised hour. But have decided to add Part 3 as it spells out the “reasons why they work”.
It is “pure psychology” It is a process…every word, everything is done/said for a reason. That’s what I meant when I said.. if you leave anything out it just won’t work.
Three times the number of buyer inspections and at times had to take the first handshake as first cab off the rank…. many times I had two others lined up if No1 didnt exchane in the 10 days…rare, but comforting. From each 3 sales I got one more referred sale…. more in No 3..
Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.
Hi Bill,
I know you have sent me some of your ads before, but just in case these are different could you please send me them too. My e-mail address is
Master Salesman ?I guess we are all trying to sell something, at times just our opinions, viewpoint.
I can tell you this mate… I never felt like I was selling… looking for solutions yes.
Would hate to think my customers/clients ever felt
like they were being sold to.
Thats exactly the point when a salesperson tries to sell people feel pressured etc.
But a master salesperson is polished he is genuine. He/she is not overly concerned with the sale but to accomodate or as you say find a solution for the respective clients or friends whatever.
So when dealing with a master salesperson one never feels like they are being sold because his/she is so eloquent.
Hope i am making it wasnt a swipe at you not at all.