All Topics / Opinionated! / Review of Ed Burton
Ed Burton co-wrote the book?
Did you try contacting Ed?
By the way, Ed Burton’s website is other author is Endre Dobozy, a broker based in Vanuatu.
Check out SPE in Vanuata
**************************************************Its not what you earn but what you do with what you earn
I had a quick search and a look on the net..this guy lives in Vanuata?
That is correct. He has just built a beautiful house overlooking the lagoon.
He promotes “Off Shore Investing” and how to do it by investing in overseas Mutual Funds such as the Templeton growth fund,Nicholas Applegate US Growth Fund etc.
He not only promotes it. but does very well himself. Hows $20k over breakfast on a $5k option?
I think the intent is to use Vanuata as a tax haven, mail redirection service etc etc..dodgy
Nothing Dodgy here, only the fear of the unknown. How many people tell you that you are dodgy because “How can you afford all that property?
Endre is a liscenced broker, just not in Australia.I’ve seen Ed Burton talk about Offshore Investing, but dont see the link to this guy?
They co-wrote the book and are good friends. Ed Burton’s link will not work as he is not taking anymore people under his wing. With a troublesome back, I am amazed he is still going at all.
Alwynwin I have sent you a PM and will chase it up for you personally FOR FREE.
I get nothing from Endre (except the 9.2% in the last 12 days legally through offshore managed funds) or Ed.
Asset Protection Specialist have just read all the ed burton wingers, i have been to a couple of eds seminars and was a gold member for a year ,there was heaps of info it was up to you to learn and move on ,not be held by the hand through all the minefields.lets face it 85% plus who go to the seminars are lookers and seminar junkies,look forever and never act and are quick to rush out and buy all the tapes etc and go home and put them under the bed never to be seen again,successful investors are responsible for there own success and glean ideas from where ever they can ,and then act on that knowledge ,i did and i am enjoying my success every day,did i learn ask nick and mal about the deal i cut them into we made $220000 each 6 mths after settlement,bull<edited> no have the contracts to prove,so cut the crap and bitching for you own jealousy of some one smarter than you and do something positive,i am a 59 year old fart ,but if any young open minded people would like some free advice or mentoring leave a message for me ,all my claims have contracts to back them up wingers or losers dont bother ps, thanks ed what i learnt repaid my investment.[biggrin]
to all the knockers, endre dobozy and his wife kayleen are a young couple in there early thirties, are close friends of ed and kath burton who believe it or not are gods people if you move in circles of self made success you quite often find people who become quite relious ,it is quite common in the very successful amway corp worldwide and no its not a religous cult and yes amway is privately owned by 2 american families except in japan,ask the vanuatu govt what ed and kath do for the children over there,back to endre just moved into a mansion he built over looking the lagoon my wife and i have had the pleasure of being there, endre is an honest and hard working guy, overseas bank accts, companies and mailing addressess are perfectly legal,as you dont understand the real reason for having them ,you will either have to read ed and endres book or go to one of endres seminars in vanuatu,buy lance spicers or margaret lomas books, then ACT,remember talks cheap ,i think that is enough for my first day sydneysmart aka graeme edwards.
Agreed Graeme
Both are gret guys that have helped me alot.
It is a beautifil house in Vanuatu and we have been there also, intresting place to find.Alynwin
I guess you do not want someone to follow up your problem with Endre himself, for free. If you do please e-mail me as it will be worth your time.
Asset Protection Specialist,
Don’t meen to bring this thread back yet again.However I couldn’t resist.
I was actually a “helper” at 4 of Ed’s seminars, at the time knew Ed and his Family Personally, Travelled with them to Melb, Bris, and the Syd seminars. Syd twice, I was there when he had to cancel the sydney seminar, I actually drove to the hotel to pick him up and literally had to Help him into the car, I was backstage with Ed, Cath, His Daughter, Martin (the showman) and a few others when he decided to cancel. And actually it wasn’t his decission. Cath wouldn’t let him go on as he couldn’t move, And his advisor at the time also aggreed, he actually had tears in his eyes at the idea of letting everyone down. I think the pain was partly to blame aswell.
I have to say as a character you would find it hard to find a nicer guy, he is driven and like any human has his weeknesses. He can in business tend to be blunt and brutaly honest, but I don’t see that as a bad thing at all.
I know his Son personally still, and see him every few months.
I got alot from the seminars, and the information given in the folders was emence. While I’ll aggree it could be learnt in a few books, I think that the idea of the folder, Ed personally explaining things and whatnot was priceless. And how can we blame him for charging a premium? He has a Beautiful house, and had actually retired and moved to venuatu himself until he got bored and his daughter proposed the idea of sharing his knowledge.
And like others have said, its easy to bad mouth Ed and note the majority of people doing so Have some form ofexcuss for not actually getting off their behind and investing and taking the risk. He says numerous times in his seminar, this is the information now you have to get out and do it. I personally haven’t invested and I have my excusses. However what I learnt with ed is priceless, numerous conversations with him on the seminar weekends, he is a wealth of information!
Ed, I wish you the best in your retirement!
Joshua Piggott.
http://www.blueiceco.comHas anyone dealt with Mal Emery business coaching. I did and was sorely ripped off though got a refund! Advice i could have got it from a book! What a joke!
PosEnterprises wrote:Has anyone dealt with Mal Emery business coaching. I did and was sorely ripped off though got a refund! Advice i could have got it from a book! What a joke!If you got a refund then you didn't get ripped off.
You got a free seminar.
Anyone else still in Ed's groups or rceceive his CDs? Apparently in the last 12months, hes moved back into real estate and not so much the marketing stuff anymore.
I'm the last one who'll do his seminar, but I'm curious as to whether anyone did any due dilligence on the following:
a) Ed before attending the seminars
b) the overseas investment funds he promotes and their apparent returns etc.Only reason I ask is because I do recall hearing a comment Ed apparently made that did in fact ring true, which was along the lines of why invest in Aus mutual funds at such a poor return when our market is about 1% of the global one and the returns on similar style mutual funds are so much greater overseas etc etc. This was obviously before sub-prime etc etc, but I'm curious to know of those who've done Ed's material and know what funds he promotes, who's actually gone out and done DD on them to confirm/refute or otherwise investigate their viability? Perhaps you/we/they can pull at least one positive thing out of what appears to be a 'less than popular' seminar spruiker's works.
as a former financial investigator, if anyone is willing to either publish or PM me the funds Ed promotes, I'm happy to go have a looky loo into what they're like and gather some 'current' status information on them.
For what it's worth…
Matt.Ed doesn't promote or recommend any funds. His business probably doesn't have an AFSL hence he is too smart for that. As we know Ed talks a lot, thats what he does and in his seminars/CDs he mentions a guy called Andres from Landau Securities located in Vanuatu. He makes very clear that every person he mentions is a crook and that you have to do your own DD on them. Whether this kind of disclaimer is sufficient to absolve him of any promoter liabilities, I'm not sure but he also states that he doesn't receive any commissions from them but know they very well, been to their place…etc.. etc.. But who pays for entertainment/dinner…? Soft and hard dollar commissions, very difficult to draw a distinction.
We all know that theres been a massive growth in hedge funds in the last 10 years. I think what Landau does is the DD for you. A lot of these funds are wholesale so its the old caveat emptor and yes, they can potentially give you access to asset classes and geographic locations which you wouldn't think existed. The returns may be large but losses would be too. Publicly available information is almost impossible to come by so trying to do DD on these funds might be difficult. Apparently andres meets with the managers regularly and do the utmost DD on the funds. It is only by association that Ed gets drawn into this side. At the end of the day, he is a property man and thats his expertise.
Bit like Mal Emery's gold pack membership – you join and get sent a box of old photocopied books bound to make you rich
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