All Topics / Opinionated! / Adelaide R E Investors Meeting November

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  • Profile photo of summosummo
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 50

    HI All,
    The next meeting of AREIG will be at Cafe De Val Cnr Pirie & Pultney Sts Adelaide on Tues 11th November at 6.30 PM. The inaugural meeting in October was attended by a good mix of about 20 people. It was decided to hold monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of every month at the above venue as it is central for everyone.We will have 2 people with experience with finance to talk about home loans, & we need you to send me a specific question about finance so the speaker has the chance to research to make sure it is answered fully at the meeting. A third speaker will talk about lease options. We are in the process of making a list of support contacts for members of the group, so if you know of any, please let me know.Please email me ASAP to let me know you are coming, so we can set up seating.
    Regards Summo

    Profile photo of Mama2MiaMama2Mia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 115

    Hi Ray,

    Looking forward to our 2nd meeting…..should be very informative.

    See you all tomorrow night.


    Profile photo of Johnny1Johnny1
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 58


    Hi everyone. The November meeting was really good, especially the talks given by Petra, David, Andrew and Bryce (from Melbourne). My wife and I learnt a lot. [:)

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