All Topics / General Property / Finder fee!!

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  • Profile photo of powmowpowmow
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    hey guys,

    i just wanted to share with you my excitement…..

    my dad’s friend heard about me and how i was studying Real Estate at TAFE and he came and asked me to find him a property and he would pay me $1500!!!

    how good is that! i dont have to go outside my area because he wants it in the suburb i live in and i know it like the back of my hand….

    so what do you guys reckon??? is $1500 ok for my first job as a property finder??

    im so excited!!!!


    Profile photo of tlloydtlloyd
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 7

    well done mate

    if he ever needs something in melbourne let me know


    Profile photo of noddiesnoddies
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 151

    Hi powmow[:D]
    The most important issue with advising a client is to protect their interests.
    Whilst obtaining a commision remember that you are dealing with others in a commision based industry who will have their own intrests at heart.
    Protect your client, and if they are paying you money regard it as your obligation to at least save them double the amount.
    Take into account their exposure to risk and do the nessesary due dillegance to reduce it
    By taking these steps you will be recommended to many others
    I wish you the best in your endevours but remember you are operating in the greed industry.
    Take the long term and high moral veiwpoint and you will do well.

    Bryce inglis

    Profile photo of annaw2annaw2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 178

    Well, congratulations, Powmow!!

    Work in the most professional manner and you’ll do well. Keep a diary of what you do, phone calls you make, travelling, R/E agents you visit and keep your buyer up to date with what you are doing. Good luck, it’s exciting.


    Profile photo of JoshwalyJoshwaly
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 39

    Hey Powmow,


    Just remember a few things and obviously you are excited, see i am coming from the point of view that you are getting paid for your advice this….. just make sure its the right advice.

    To many specific performance alarms are ringing so basically PROTECT yourself that is via disclaimers and express terms in your contract and make them conditions not warrenties, SEE A LAWYER very important, this is regardless if he is your dads friend, and this isnt a damper but just some things to think of.

    and also cmoing form a marketing point of view, the primary concern is the consumers needs, and wants you will need to discuss this with him and this means if he wants 10% R.O.I then thats what he wants…. basically my point is fulfill his needs dont have the attitude of close enough is near enough…… sorry this is sounding negative but again things to think about…

    If you want to know anything more about the above feel free to contact me…

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