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  • Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    How do you calculate LVR?
    Thanks Dom [;)]

    Profile photo of wayneLwayneL
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 585

    It all in the name Con… er Comdom[:D]


    i.e. Loan divided by Valuation.

    e.g. Asset is valued at say 100,000 and you have a 70,000 loan against it.

    LVR = 70%

    Then lets say that your asset appreciates in value to 140,000

    your LVR is now 50%


    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    Thanks waynl,

    But say you have 4 properties
    Eg loan 1 $140000 valuation $170000
    Loan 2 $150000 Valuation $180000
    Loan 3 $142000 Valuation $250000
    Loan 4 $170000 Valuation $250000

    How would the bank calculate this?
    Thanks Dom

    Profile photo of wayneLwayneL
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 585

    simply add them all together.

    you have assets valued at $850,000 and loans of $602,000

    602,000 divided by 850,000 = 70.82%

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    Thanks again Waynel,

    In this case i should not have to take out LMI hopefully and save me a bit of money or do other factors apply

    Profile photo of MobileMortgage3MobileMortgage3
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 21

    Hi Dom,
    Can I suggest you talk to a good mortgage broker, if you haven’t already?
    Having your loans structured the correct way, will save you from problems later on,

    I am in Victoria, but Simon is a bit closer to you, he contributes here on a regular basis and may be able to help you, his contact details are below.

    Simon Macks
    Mortgage Broker
    [email protected]
    0425 228 985

    Good luck, Regards Steven

    Mobile Mortgage
    [email protected]
    Phone 0402483216

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