All Topics / General Property / BUS STOP or BS?
so whats the deal here with this bus stop caper?
so for $12,500 you get a bus stop and $1250 a year in payments?
so youd have to pay up keep eg. the smashed windows and graffiti removel and stuff i guess? and what happens when the buses change the route they travel?
whats the deal, how do you prove you own this? do u own the land around it or just the physical structure!?
what what what?!??!?!
NICE ONE BRUVA!! Nice One Bruv! nice one
neologism: Hi there, sorry to be the bearer of bad news mate but you have missed out… [
I jumped the gun a little and bought 40 straight up, but it’s turned out to be the best thing i’ve ever done. After careful consultation with the my financial advisor i have decided to wrap 20 straight off the bat – 10% deposit at 20k and payments made as per usual wrap agreements.
I am offering another 10 at $17,500 – yes, i know that’s 5k more than i payed but i’m looking to diversify and get myself into the Porta-Loo business and need the cash. Subletting Porta Loos to mindless property developers will be the next big thing mark my words… [
The remaining 10 i’m going to hold – they are paying for themselves and the extra advertising space i have created has opened the door to a 35% yield… And the coffee machines aren’t even in yet…
Any damages are covered by the State Heavy Industry Transit Subsidiary (S.H.I.T.S)….
Also if a bus misses your stop compensation is to be paid immediately to your account – at the rate of $125 per missed stop…If interested please let me know…
Paul…“The only thing you get from looking backwards is a sore neck…”
Hi Fatboy
Don’t forget the purified water machines. Great stuff in high rise buildings.
Re the porta-loos, I’ve found a deal on those cool plastic seats that have colourful dolphins, butterflies, fairies, ingrained in them. I think it will be so good for mums as the kids will want to stay inside longer – gives her time to have coffee in peace till the bus arrives.
Hi all,
Hmm all this chat gets my mind going…. i know this sounds silly but the newest thing i found was advertising on you got it toilet seats i used to work at a night club and a drink company wont mention names where doing it and not that im saying buy toilet seats but i am saying that i am interested as to council developments of public toilets… i live sth east of melbs at the beach and the coast line extends for at least 150 km where apon there must be 100’s of toilets now there are a number of new age toilets that play music in them and are all automated, me putting two and two together does anyone know of anything relative to this… i could be stabbin in the dark here but it seems logical and well does anyone think i should persue this further or if anyone has whats there thoughts???
Regards Josh
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