My name is Kris, I think your idea of only buying 4 is a good idea, if you want to take less risk. However, less risk less return. Thats all I have to say about your strategy every one to their own.
I am very interested in your spreadsheet, because I too have made a PIA spreadsheet. We can compare and contrast to make an even better version???
Good to see another young bloke keen on property? How old are you? I have just turned 24 but i only own one investment unit. But I am shopping at the moment but I cant find good positive cashflow property because of the boom?????
Kris, How”s it going, Broz and I are both 20 years of age. My ss is quite restricted to paying off houses in 3 years or less, but besides that it is very good.
I’m not particurly looking for +cf properties, the more positive the better, but because i pay them off so quickly they don’t really need to be positive, they can be a bit more towards capital appreciation.
Hi F & B,
I would love to have a copy of your spreadsheet. well done for sharing, i’ll give feedback as soon as possible.
email address:
I have made an enhancement to my spreadsheet where you now can calculate cash flows over any loan term you like, it is in a seperate worksheet called “Property 1 term”
So now my spreadsheet is much more flexible, if you would like the update, email me
I have sent my new version around to a few people, it covers the needs of everyone now as you can work out profits and cash flows for any loan term, P&I and also int only.