I am a recent newcomer to this website and to the benefits of positive gearing property investment. I am looking to meet other people with similar investing beliefs in Brisbane. I think it would make the journey of wealth creation much more enjoyable with a few mates in for the ride too.
I would also welcome any mentoring or advice about good areas in South Brisbane to get me going.
If anyone is interested, be they novice like myself, or an accomplished property investor, you can contact me at rallerton@optusnet.comn.au
Welcome. Hula Queen is willing, but you should (hopefully) get more responses by posting in the Soap Box forum. From memory there are quite a few weird, I mean BrisVegasites who would be willing to catch up.
Haven’t seen a post anywhere else, so am responding in this one. I thought there would be more Bris Vegas people out there who would like to catch up. Who’s going to Steve’s seminar in November? Could organise something around that????