It’s fair dinkum. Look, I need some cash, so I’m offering my 4 up for a total of $25,000. Send me $15,000 now, we can settle the difference on let’s say April 1, 2004.
I meant to say that the unsheltered BSS’s are at the reduced price of$6,250…that’s 50%off.
However it must be a cash deal. After all, what if you don’t build? All I have is a yellow post as security. But think of the increased value once you complete the BSS. Get it refinanced and onsell @ $12,500. You could even wrap it, don’t you think?
besdides the 4 that I bought, I know somebody who is very keen to buy a few as well but hasn’t got the capital.
Question, is it possible to wrap it?
Secondly about the insurance, I’ve asked an Insurance Company and the answer was they are not prepared to cover it!!!
Thirdly, do I need a PM?
I forgot to ask you, is it allright if I attached a Public Toilet to the Bus Stop Shelter to increase the value?
I could charge say $1.- from every user. It’s an additional income. I have think about the toilet paper, probably BYO?
Hey, call me stupid (or naive maybe) but is this a real offer or a joke??
I am interested if it’s the real deal.
Hi Ben…
At the moment having taken advantage of Bill’s offer i have to say i am very impressed with the style and construction of my 40 bus stops so far.
I have also had advertising hoardings split in half so i can obtain maximum cashflow for my investment dollars… a smart move, even if i do say so myself… []
I think this could be the best move i’ve ever made, in fact i’m already looking as far afield as North Queensland. A lot of bus travellers will be looking for that “sea change” in the next few years, keep that in mind…
Hey Prop16
You may want to rethink the public toilet idea, the excess water charges would be a real killer. Plus just say you bought 10 of them you would have to spend most of your weekends cleaning them & despossing of needles. Plus to paint the insides with that graffetti proof paint is very expensive. So if you do go ahead you need to be charging at least $1.35 for half flush (No1’s) & $1.90 full flush (No2’s). You would also have to pay GST. So if it was me I would just stick to the plain BSS.
Whilst i must admit toilets aren’t my specialty i’d encourage you to think outside the square a little… Remember the old housebrick in the cistern trick ?? From my calculations this will reduce water use by at least 25% and therefore enable you to lower your tenants costs… This has to make your idea more viable right ??
Also try adding padded seats, i find women prefer these and they may then stay long enough for you to double bill them for excess usage…
If there’s an elderly population in the area you might want to consider a wooden seat – they love nature and what’s better than timber right ??
Try to find a PM who will tackle the cleaning duties as well – no smart property guru wants to get their hands sh1tty now do they ?? [:0)]
Whaddya think craig ?? []
“The only thing you get from looking backwards is a sore neck…”
Hi billfromoz
I am keen to get in on the gravy train (gravy bus???). Are the bss freehold or leasehold. I am keen to subdivide, do you think I could demolish and put up two shelters – two bus companies could then use the facilities??????
How much are the local councils charging these days for subdivision applications???[?][]
I have been looking so hard for positive geared properties … I spent hours on the net … This is IDEAL.
You know how I warn people about going into *rural* towns and to only buy unless they are ABSOLUTELY sure they know what they are doing. Well this is the answer to their problems… But they better be quick because I want to buy 10,000 of them in all capital cities. Yep, that’s right…
I did the maths (you know I like maths don’t you?) and this one is a no brainer. $700 p.a for each BSS that means I will pocket 7,000,000.00 (7 MILLION!!!!!)
Now I want to buy a few off theplan as well. (Hehe, I love delayed settlements…). How about an option on a few others… Please Bill …
I just knew you were the type of person to dig out these deals …
Also I really want to hear about the “Bus stop” signs. Think about it. Low maintenance, guaranteed income etc…
I heard rumours that a few thousand public toilets would be available to savvy investors soon too (check out
You remember I made a post a week back about being imaginative. Well all you newbies this is it! Think outside the square! and the posibilities are endless…
Bill, you can use me on your testimonial…
Yours sincerely, A trully satisfied customer (7 MILLION LOL [])
Bill, hows my order going for the BSS on subdividable land? I think I need thirty of them. Have thirty real estate agents lined up ready to put their smiling faces on the bill boards – 30 * $800pmonth (charging premium for special plastic coating on the bill boards to keep their pearly whites sparkling!! = 24000/month. Have hocked the car and motorcycle to finance – want to sit for ages in my own bus shelters waiting for late buses!!!![] Will never have to work again!!!!
I thouhgt I was good at “thinking outside the square”, but you beat me! Your idea is close to being genius!!!!
WOW, $800 a month x 10,000 that means I will get an extra $96,000,000 (96 MILLIION a year, LOL, this is unreal!!! I think I am going to faint… I am not kidding you I am starting to shake….
(5 minutes later)
OK the blood rush has calmed down…I am starting to regain my composure…
OK now that we are on a good brain wave, I have other thoughts.
– Add MP3 players at the bus stops so people can listen to music while they wait for their bus. We will charge them $5 a minute for property investment info (Hehe … that always sells well.)
– Shoe polishing machine. (This would only be for the CBD.)
Com one guys lets get those imaginative juices flowing!!!
PositiveCash, You are right, I am simply trying to HELP newbies spot a good deal. It requires a LOT of experience… a lot of mistakes, a lot of time and effort. OK I shouldn’t be so kind… Now I am wondering whether you are trying to scare them away and keep all the deals for yourself.. Cheeky!
My negotiations with the NSW RTA took many months of hard work and as I said at the outset…there are reasonable conitions attached to your Investment.
I feel I must respond to some of the ideas and suggestions put forward by members of this Forum.
There is a maximum of 4 BSS to each individual and that includes you too Pinit, you’ll stuff up the resale values with that many.
Benny has referred another Investor and that’s okay cause there are only 4 in his name. Paul was the exception with his 20 BSS’s….but that was in a moment of weaknesss…future purchasers are limited to 4….I’m not stupid, I’m not going to flood the market with BSS’s.
I am having a few problems with the MI…yes, of course I’ve transferred the risk. I pay the MI to reduce my exposure. I am aware they are all good deals….without exception, each and everyone of them is located on a Bus Route. This guarantees future CG. You are also virtually guaranteed that future income from Advertisers will increase by at least 5%pa.
AS I said “How can ya lose?” Ya can’t…
an ironclad investment if ever there was one. So ignore shonky deals like the one Castle Dreamer is talking about…There is no comparison..Carpark for $20k? Don’t touch’em.
Conditions: No Toilets, No subdivisions,
No Cape Cods, No Dual Occupancy
and No ya can’t rent the BSS’s by the hour.
The MI are very concerned with BSS”s inRural/Regional towns and any BSS near clubs and pubs now attracts a premium. More wear and tear I guess.
I need some help. How in hell do I respond to all the emails to “reserve 4 for me”… I’m talking about the emails to my genuine address….no I’m not kidding.
Come to think of it…Since being on this Forum I have seen suggestions deteriorate….
Inner city Units…. Houses on outskirts Sydney…Then Regional…Country towns…as they dried up it became Commercial….then China, NZ,
back’o Bourke and the latest from Castle Dreamer a bit ‘o bitumen for $20k.
You’ll no dopubt thank me down the track for the BSS opportunity….
I am aware they are all good deals….without exception, each and everyone of them is located on a Bus Route.
Wow, I didn’t know there were some BSS that were NOT located on bus routes.
Goes to show you MUST always do your due diligeance…
Oh yea, I think I recall that those BSS use to be sold by those “special” 2 tier seminars. They would fly you up to Briso, take you in a car and show you all these BSS which you had no idea whether they where on a Bus route or not, and then pressure you to buy them. Yep you know how the story goes… Fake valuations, dodgy financiers etc… I think ASIC is looking into this though. IT IS ABOUT TIME !
Bill, Do I get a commission for recommending this to some of my clients. Yes I am a financial advisor and I think this would be really good for their portfolio. I could charge them a “management” fee as well…
Hey Pin,
don’t forget to check when the BSS was constructed. Post 1985 – depreciation will be much better if you get building right off. Can you get post right off if you only buy a post stop rather than a shelter stop? What if the shelter was vandalised and rebuilt, is this a new building or a repair??????
What is 2.5% of a three metre pole with paint anyway? Anyone know a quantity surveyor who will do a drive past valuation and depreciation schedule (no standing in bus zones!!!!!!)[]