All Topics / General Property / IP groups/ meetings
Hi everyone,
I’m just starting out and would love to meet up with some like minded people to discuss IP. Does this website hold groups like this where you can talk face to face and share ideas/ info? None of my friends are in to this, and I would love some support from people who know how to do it, or are just starting out too.
I’m in Melbourne.Sophie
Hi Sophie
This forum doesn’t specifically hold meetings (that I know of!).
However a bunch of people at the ninemsn message board hold a monthly meeting in Melbourne for property investors to get together.
I usually remember to post details here as well, and with the new forums I will probably put it in the Soap Box forum.
The meetings are usually around the middle of the month, so keep watching!Keep smiling
FelicityHi sophie and all,
Welcolm to the forum, im sure you will have millions of questions as i did and im sure everyone else had, some starting advice would be to make good use of the search tool in this forum as if you have a question on something chances are that people have already asked the same question so you may save yourself time and effort by using it.
Oh i am in melbourne to and would be happy to help out as much as i can, i am fairly new aswell however i have learnt a lot in little time.
As far as i know there is no group as such however i may be wrong.
Feel free to email me at, or call on 0433121899 where in melbourne are you?
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