All Topics / General Property / New thing from Residex

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  • Profile photo of powmow

    Gday Guys, [:)

    have you guys heard about the new thing that residex are doing?

    if you find a house that you like, you can sms the adress to Residex and they will write back telling you the average, lowest and highest selling price for the street!

    i thought it was pretty cool just to get a quick idea of prices.

    check ya,


    Profile photo of diclemdiclem
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 537

    Hi Powmow,

    Sounds pretty handy, any idea what the charge is?

    Sue [:)

    “Be careful not to step on the flowers when you’re reaching for the stars”

    Profile photo of powmow

    hey sue,

    im not sure as yet. i only heard it on the radio this morning but i am sure we will hear more about it.

    [^] Powmow [^]

    Profile photo of JoshwalyJoshwaly
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 39

    Hey all,

    Residex has alot of information and has releases a new report regarding rental incomes on the eastern side of aus it does come at a price 220 buckaroos, maybe not so bad….

    Oh Powmow i am interested in comparing a few things as you and i are in the same situation i.e students, your stding real estate? and you seem to be quite active in the forum anyways, if you want, email me and i will write back with well a few things on my mind….

    Regards Josh


    Profile photo of rogerramjetrogerramjet
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 34

    Try – think they’re SA only at the moment though. They do the SMS sale/valuation details for a few dollers per request. They used to have a mobile phone simulator on their website where you could use it for free but it’s been disabled now.


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