All Topics / General Property / investing in New Zealand

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  • Profile photo of 2muchmoney2muchmoney
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 15

    hi all
    as you can tell this is my first post as i have just join this forum recently after reading steves book.(wat a graet book best read ever.) anyway i am from new zealand (christchurch) but now living in sunny qld. i dont know any web sites or contacts in nz as im only 24 and very new to this but i may be able to give some insight into areas of nz. try nelson in the south island semi rural but growing. thanks for all the info.
    i own my own home and are now ready to purchase my first ip can any one suggest somewhere close to the gold coast (2hr radius or abouts) to gold coast were i can start looking
    thanks simon

    Profile photo of RodC


    For population, employment stats etc try this:


    Profile photo of KtkiwiKtkiwi
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 18


    We don’t yet have data available like the home price guide but there will be some more in depth data available via the internet soon.
    In the meantime for Median prices try the Real Estate Institute’s website at

    It’s pretty average data but about all we have at the moment.

    “Make sure you can survive the downside, and the upside will take care of itself!” Donald Trump

    Profile photo of g00dmang00dman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8

    Just in reply to this comment:

    Telegraphic transfers are of course good for large sums but you have to go into the bank and do that, and it takes a few days. you wouldn’t want to be doing that every day, it’s a bit of a pain!
    I haven’t yet found an internet way of doing international funds transfers apart from PayPal credit card kind of things.

    I have done a T/T with my bank in N.Z, there is a fee of around 25$ to transfer money, and I did it through there secure mail, on the banks site.

    My bank is B.N.Z, but I believe it can be done with ANZ also, the sum I transfered hope this helps.

    PS Not to sure if they are going to mind how much you transfer as they are making a mint,you just need to get the swift address of the bank.

    Profile photo of RodC

    Both ANZ and Westpac (don’t know about the others) offer telegraphic transfers via internet banking. The fees are generally less than going into a branch. Westpac has a limit of $5K per day for personal customers and $25K for business accounts (this has to be set up, default limits are $1500). ANZ’s personal accounts can be set up to a limit of $10K, don’t know about their business accounts.
    The transfers I’ve done to NZ have gone through by the next day.


    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435

    RodC and KtKiwi,

    Thank you for the websites, that what I have been looking for.

    Kind regards

    [Keep going, you’re nearly reach the end of financial freedom]

    Profile photo of jars11jars11
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    Im not very happy with richmastery. I was looking at a property of theirs, granted it was in WA not NZ where they probably know the market better. I got some contacts to check it out and their summation of it was that it was a “shocker”. And it was, location was wrong, purch price over inflated, sold for more years before, etc etc etc. List goes on. Im happy with my own methods now and I just delete the ESC email when I get it now. I did their 3 day event too and just hated it. That was the last seminar I will ever do, Im over it.

    Profile photo of BjawBjaw
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1


    Can you pls email me the NZ solicitor details?


    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    hey bjaw,

    unfortunately I’ve been asked not to refer anyone else to him.

    FYI, this is what he said:

    “Following up on our conversation the other day – I am finding other persons referred to me are not working in the smooth manner that you and I progressed matters. For that reason I must decline to accept any more referrals. I have not made this decision lightly and for your information (without referring to any person or specific situation) give the following examples:

    Contact is difficult as they may not be at a regular number, do not have a fax, or are travelling etc.
    I am willing to contribute time to their education – recently, however, I was challenged on a bill for $100 to assist in all the pre-settlement work (4.9 hours) and the settlement fee for services of $150. Sorry, but that does not cover my secretarial time.
    Contact is expected out of regular working hours – weekends, evenings, etc.
    Money is advanced for reports and then not reimbursed when billed.
    Toll bills are challenged – and they don’t even cover the total costs of tolls and faxes.

    This decision does not mean that I will not continue to do work for you if you wish – I have never had any of those problems with you.”

    so….bummer eh.
    I heard from a local real estate agent (completely by acciden) that he was ‘completely snowed under and not taking on any new clients’. however if this changes i will let you know.

    In the meantime I would say just ask the RE agent to recommend a good lawyer local to your first property. if you like them then you can use them even if you buy elsewhere in NZ no problem. You get the advantage of someone else with local knowledge ‘on your team’.


    PS As well as the sites that Rod C and KtKiwi posted, this one is useful too.

    There is a tab on the right called ‘market rent information’ which gives you info about the current rent prices in each area in NZ based on recently lodged bonds.

    Profile photo of C2C2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 518

    Hi Mini,

    I know how you feel. I previously had the same type of message from someone I referred a few people too. I now stress to the people who ask for referrals, that the advise/help doesn’t always come cheap, I trust who I use and I don’t question the bill.

    Is it true the more you owe the more you grow until the bank steps in?”

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    totally. Anyway, this lawyer only charges $55 an hour NZ, which I find incredibe value anyway, especially as my lawyers in Sydney cost $400 and $280 per hour.

    Profile photo of TwilightTwilight
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 22

    Do I need to obtain consent from NZ govt to purchase IP in NZ, as I am an Aus resident/citizen.

    How do I go about investing +veCF properties in NZ?
    Thanks in advance.
    David :)

    Profile photo of Michael R

    An “overseas person” must obtain consent under the regulations to acquire or take “control” of “significant” assets in New Zealand. The significant assets relate to:

    > Businesses or property worth more than $10 million
    > land over 5 ha or worth more than $10 million
    > certain sensitive land over 0.4 ha (e.g. on islands; containing or next to reserves, historic or heritage areas, the foreshore or lakes).

    Control is generally associated with an overseas person obtaining a 25% ownership or control interest in an asset.

    The regulations are divided into parts. One part deals with significant non-land investment while a second deals with land investments.

    Profile photo of VaslavVaslav
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 86

    michael R,

    So does that means if the investment properties are valued below those numbers, u don’t need consent from the government?

    i’ve just writen a mail to the treasury, will hope to get a reply and i’ll post it up here.

    Mimi, it’s a bummer that i can’t get the lawyer details anymore, but anyway, i’m sure there are others too :)

    seems like everyones’ in NZ at the moment. i’m still trying to learn more about Aus at the moment, would love to try NZ, but perhaps at a later phase, but if there’s no restriction imposed from the NZ government on non-resident purchasing properties there, i might go have a look there as i can’t actually do much here for the next 2 yrs as i’m a non-australian resident and i have to graduate before i could apply for my PR. which is a bummer.. here u are with all the motivation and wanting to do something but u can’t because of circumstances and citizenship.

    Would be excited to see what the NZ treasury has to say about that. I might just be able to do something after all.


    Profile photo of Michael R

    “So does that means if the investment properties are valued below those numbers, u don’t need consent from the government?”…

    Yes. Approval is not required if the property valuation, area and location parameters do not exceed these stipulations.

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    This site has the stuff about overseas investors coming in to NZ. click on the ‘investing in NZ link’ for a bunch of links or go straight to the summary –


    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Hi Mini Mogul

    Thanks for the links to the Rich Mastery sites. They were great. Not something I would do – I’d prefer to invest the finders fee by going to NZ for a month and looking for myself, but it’s a great idea.

    Kat [:)

    Profile photo of ShaneB2ShaneB2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Kristine,

    A little word of advice,make sure you do your due dilligence on the buyers agents you are looking at, expecially richmastery.

    Profile photo of Risky

    Just some info i thought might be of interest to people looking in NZ . yeilds = Students x rough on house divided by good demand for rentals = hmmm[?]

    The six urban areas in which New Zealand’s universities are located – Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin – contain between them 63.9 percent of the country’s 20 to 25-year-olds and 60.0 percent of all 16 to 19-year-olds. This compares to 55.1 percent of the total population and illustrates the impact of tertiary education and employment opportunities offered by large cities. A total of 28.3 percent of the country’s young people live in Auckland, with a further 9.7 percent living in Wellington and 9.6 percent in Christchurch

    Profile photo of Risky

    Here is an excellant site for New Zealand Stats on just about everything you need [^]

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