All Topics / General Property / investing in New Zealand

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  • Profile photo of Kristine

    Does anyone know of a buyers agent in New Zealand ??? and please tell me in you have heard of them or if you have actually used their services and if they were good or bad to deal with thanks heaps…although i know a lot of you guys are against buyers agent i think its a great idea…each to their own just thought i would ask just incase their is somebody out their that has dealt wit one over their thanks in advance

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    I know someone who bought a place from them (auckland suburbs, CF positive, quite a good upcoming part of town)
    and was happy with it. Said as he doesn’t have time to look himself he was happy to pay the 3-5 k finder’s fee. You often don’t get much time to do the due diligence on these deals though.


    Profile photo of Kristine

    i thought that buyers agents do the due diligence for you???? i wrong??

    Profile photo of westanwestan
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,950

    hi kristine

    i might know someone who can help

    email me at

    regards westan

    Profile photo of SooshieSooshie
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 974

    Hi there,

    Always do the due diligence yourself. After all it’s your money not theirs or anyone elses.

    Sooshie [:)

    When a problem is created the solution is created simultaneously

    Profile photo of recoverymanrecoveryman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 122

    I have a prepayed sims card that you can use in a mobile phone from oz (just replace the sims card) and you can buy prepay cards anywhere
    I used it a lot
    if someones ones to use it and return it
    give me a call

    Profile photo of Kristine

    yes i do intend and have done a little due dilligence myself…but just thought that a buyers agent would also provide a lot of info. as well thanks all for your help

    Recovery man I am confused dont know what this has to do with topic but its akind jesture…not that i really understand what you are offering ( a sim card for a mobile ph) WHY??do you have money still left on them …but you are in NZ and you cant use it yourself???? is that correct??

    Profile photo of JetDollars

    To Oz investors who bought IPs in NZ,

    Questions from Oz who wanna to invest in NZ:

    I live and work in Sydney, Australia and would love to buy some IPs in NZ.

    1. To invest in NZ, do I have to open a bank account in NZ?
    2. Do I need a solicitor in NZ?
    3. Can I used my solicitor in Oz?
    4. Can I used my bank account in Oz?

    Your response will be appreciated in advance.

    Kind regards

    [Keep going, you’re nearly reach the end of financial freedom]

    Profile photo of Kristine

    another question to add is every time you are paid rent do you have to pay for currency change over …..[;)]what happens with rent??

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    Hi Kristine,

    re doing due diligence, by that I really meant builder’s report, LIM report, etc. Seeing as that costs money, say $330 per builder’s report and $150 for LIM you wouldn’t imagine doing that on every property you may or may not buy. I think the finder’s fee is to find and negotiate the property.

    Basically you’d just do the due diligence if you liked the numbers, I would have thought

    Anyway did you check out the website?
    They have some Australian deals too
    (aus deals)
    (nz deals)

    they have both CF+ve and cap gains deals, colour coded green or purple

    unless you liked the numbers on the deal they found you and

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    kristine – re the bank account – i opened up a NZ bank account so my rent(s) get banked into it. It’s linked to a (NZ) credit card and also an eftpos card so if I want I can get money out of a hole in the wall in Aus. Or just stick it on the credit card and use that for purchases.

    Telegraphic transfers are of course good for large sums but you have to go into the bank and do that, and it takes a few days. you wouldn’t want to be doing that every day, it’s a bit of a pain!
    I haven’t yet found an internet way of doing international funds transfers apart from PayPal credit card kind of things.

    Basically it’s a slight pain transferring money across on a regular basis, but after the initial buying costs hopefully your properties are going to be CF+ve and you won’t need to….and you are going to be reinvesting the proceeds right, not spending it?? hehe

    chandara –

    >1. To invest in NZ, do I have to open a bank account in NZ?
    yes – I would think so. otherwise you will be doing way too many TTs at the bank, what a pain

    >2. Do I need a solicitor in NZ?
    yes – leave your email address and i will give you my lawyer’s number, I have referred three people so far who have used him and email me back saying they are really happy. He is based in a regional town and not expensive.

    >3. Can I used my solicitor in Oz?
    i don’t think you would need to…???

    >4. Can I used my bank account in Oz?
    don’t think so


    Profile photo of Kristine

    yerr i did check it out…yess i had them emailing me about propertys in Vic months ago…no aint really looking for this kind of a thing…thanks heaps any way…when i was thinking of investing in Qld i spoke to some buyers agents up there they had a wonderfull service they did the research (due diligence) give you growth figures and heaps of toewn info as well as property info. sounded fab but my interest for investing has shifted to NZ…i just dont like the idea of taking a trip over to NZ and then having so many days to find a bargain sounds like to much pressure to me…with the reports on the house wouldnt you make a offer and on the contract write subject to you being happy with pest inspection and builders report??

    Profile photo of Kristine

    Mmmmm very interesting i was hoping to put the money strait into my PPOR i have redraw facility…bugger
    i would love the details of the solicitor..thanks
    thanks heaps for yor help

    Profile photo of RodCRodC
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 335


    Telegraphic transfers are of course good for large sums but you have to go into the bank and do that, and it takes a few days. you wouldn’t want to be doing that every day, it’s a bit of a pain!
    I haven’t yet found an internet way of doing international funds transfers apart from PayPal credit card kind of things.

    I don’t know about any of the other banks but it is possible (and easy) to do international transfers to overseas bank accounts using Westpac’s internet banking.

    But for day to day expenses and rent received you will need a NZ account.

    Kristine, yes the offers would be made subject to satisfactory building inspection, title, LIM, finance etc.


    Profile photo of punkletpunklet
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    to minimogul would appreciate the solicitors contact number you use in email address is thankyou.

    Profile photo of JetDollars
    Profile photo of wilandel

    Hi Mini,

    I don’t know who you bank with, but with the ANZ I can now do Telegraphic Transfers from my ANZ Aust internet banking and also from my ANZ NZ acount.

    It’s also $8 cheaper doing it myself, rather than going into a branch.

    Also, you don’t feel like such a pain, when the bank is so busy.[:I]

    It takes a week or so to set up.


    Del [:)

    Profile photo of zanis1


    I have posted this before but here it is again,

    I have some articles on my web site that may help you in relation to trusts, banks, finance structures, getting NZ loans from overseas etc… its all free and written by NZ professionals.

    Best regards


    P.s By the way if you want to “talk” directly to Phil Jones of Rich Mastery he is on our forums currently as a guest speaker.

    As a statement I earn no money nor any kind of kick backs from Phil Jones or any of his businesses. I invited him because my members were interested in asking him questions in regards to a lot of bad press his have been receiving of late.

    Profile photo of zanis1

    Opps !

    forgot – check out this article about ANZ in NZ

    I use ASB and they rock for getting NZ loans while I am in living in Melbourne.

    best regards


    Profile photo of wilandel


    Thanks for that info on the banks. It seems I have a bit more research to do.

    I hate the thought of photocopying our company financials all over again, when considering changing banks, but I’m sure it’ll be worth it to finally find one that is good.[xx(][:D]

    Marc, do ASB only lend 70% for certain towns?



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