All Topics / Forum Frolic / volunteering – what can I do….

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    I’m keen to get out and do some volunteer work.

    But I cant think of anything. (Im waiting to hear back from CanTeen – for the 31st)

    Ive looked on the volunteer sites, and they all seem to be admin work (ie answering phones/reception) for charities. not really my cup of tea.

    Do any of you do volunteer work. Or can think of something I could do.
    (Central Sydney based)

    NZ Property Investing News

    Profile photo of Arty


    Have you tried, the “Salvation Army” they have volunteers at the shops for retail sales. [?]



    Profile photo of HueyHuey
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 213

    Hi Craig,

    Try your local Community Services. You can help with “Meals on wheels”, “visit the oldies and if you drive you take them to doctors, shops …”.

    I put my name down for a half day a week to help at a local college but they couldn’t find any work for me!



    Profile photo of Administrator

    why not just pick the closest senior citizens home and see them directly about going in half a day a week to visit those with no family.
    Or a local animal shelter..go and see them direct and offer them hands on volunteering.

    You dont need to go thru an organization to volunteer your services…just ask at any charitable centres if they need help [:D

    ~ If at first you dont succeed…destroy ALL evidence you ever tried to begin with! ~

    Profile photo of aussierogueaussierogue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 983

    if you ‘really’ want to do volunteer work how abt ‘australian volunteers abroad’…

    also the local rsl club always needs people to visit, help out with shopping etc for the elderly. and just because they are members of the rsl doesnt mean they are ‘rsl types’ if you know what i mean….

    my father is a memebr of one down here and all nationalities, ages, shapes and sizes are represented

    you could also go in the pre season draft and see if carlton pick you up!!!!!!!!


    Profile photo of Administrator

    aussie….we DONT need to talk about carltons “slight” non winning streak…now…..DO WE? *glaring*

    ~ If at first you dont succeed…destroy ALL evidence you ever tried to begin with! ~

    Profile photo of Arty

    You could volunteer for Pinkys Naked Army !!. [:D

    There are plenty of vacancies…



    Profile photo of PropertyGuruPropertyGuru
    Join Date: 2003
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    Profile photo of SamwiseSamwise
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 35

    Hi Craig,
    I work in a hospital and they are always looking for volunteers for all sorts of work.



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    Hey Trish,

    What sorta stuff?

    After reading pinkys bio, hmm scared..

    just remember its the submissive that has all the power… who wears the pants?

    NZ Property Investing News

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    I used to volunteer at a couple of places. One was a local intellectually handicapped school, and i used to go there at lunchtime one a week and play with the kids in the playground.
    Give the teachers a hand, let them take a break. There were still teachers on duty though of course. it was really rewarding. Man, they *really* get to love you and just climb all over you when you arrive!

    The other thing I used to do was help deliver flowers at the hospital. Another nice feel good thing. (a lovely side-effect to helping!!) Basically the flowers get delivered to reception, and they need extra hands to physically go and take them to the patients.

    Oh another good one was go and visit old people in their homes. I forget who the charity was that organised that. my friend and I used to go and see a lady once a week, and basically we were the only visitors she got apart from i.e. the district nurse. Just to have someone to talk to and show us all her photos, etc, someone to take an interest.

    Nowadays I do Reiki, which I offer for free. So if anyone has any aches and pains or health issues, even (or especially) ones that conventional medicine isn’t helping, let me know! Drop your email and i can either do some in person (if possible) or send it remotely! Lots of sites on the internet to tell you ‘what it is’ if you might be interested but need more information.


    Profile photo of wilandel

    Hi Craig,

    Will & I have been members of the State Emergency Service for about 8 years. That is actually how we met.

    We do everything from road accident rescue – (cutting people out of cars) etc. to storm damage, floods, police searches etc…

    It feels very rewarding to help someone in their time of need, especially at car accidents. Sometimes it’s not pretty, but someone has got to do it.

    I can’t recommend this type of thing highly enough to someone who truly is looking to commit to longterm voluntary work.

    Regards, [:)


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    Hi Del,

    Hey now thats definatly tweaked an interest.

    Going to ring them and find out about the local group..

    Cheers Heaps.

    NZ Property Investing News

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Hi Craig, do the Ambulance Service of NSW have volunteers. The Queensland service do. Another option along the lines of ‘bionic carrots’!!! (sorry Wil and Del – I couldn’t resist using the term for you SES guys who help us out so much!!!) is the St Johns Ambulance Service. They do a lot of volunteer work providing first aid coverage at events and stuff. They will help you get training and all sorts…. I like Wil and Dels suggestion of SES as well – its active and really does help out.
    Lisa R

    Profile photo of wilandel


    Haven’t heard that one![;)

    St John’s is a good one, however, some people find it daggy… I don’t know why, because they learn some great stuff, that can really save lives.



    Profile photo of C2C2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 518

    Hi Craig,

    I’m a former St.Johns instructor and it’s not tooo bad and can be quite rewarding. Sometimes there are Tooo many rules, regs, red tape and politics. Depending on your level of commitment you can do the ambulance rounds as well. But make sure you don’t mind blood and have a strong stomach.

    If you work with animals stay away from shelters for dogs and cats unless you don’t mind that they put the animals down after a while.

    Is it true the more you owe the more you grow until the bank steps in?”

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Hi Minny,

    You’re bloody amazing.

    Is your birthday early to mid July by chance?


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