All Topics / Forum Frolic / How good are you?…Highest score Wins!

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  • Profile photo of BillfromozBillfromoz
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 381

    G’day Crashy…

    Mine was 25.

    I agree with you.. 2-3 hits per second?????

    Guess I’ll have to go back through the replies and order a Lie detector test for some.


    Bill O’Mara
    Real Estate,Mortgages,Share Market Strategies.

    Profile photo of Arty

    …ahh 21 the first time…[;)]

    I didnt know you had to go for the “dotted” one so i just when mad clicking the blank ones…LOL [:D



    Profile photo of Arty

    second try 36..[:D

    how did you get 101 .!!> stunned [:O



    Profile photo of Arty

    Ahh.. if you miss a dotted one it takes score off.. I just got “-8” I tried to cheat and click madly all over the place.. sort of like a loose cannon.. LOL [:D



    Profile photo of Arty

    ahh… can anyone beat “-228”

    hahaha [:D



    Profile photo of melbear

    Hey Arty, me too!! It said hit the dot, and I figured they were all dots, and I was trying to colour them all. Then….. I noticed that there was one black one, and I worked it out. I was -12 by then, so I restarted, and got 31. But our mouse sticks, and so I quit!!

    I like Fishy better – our keyboard is good, and I’m determined to try and eat the big fish. I reckon I can take em all[:P], but the silly computer reckons I can’t!!![xx(][:(


    Profile photo of Arty

    Melbear.. i thought if you ate alot of small fish you would get bigger to the size of the big fish.. but i dont think it works like that.. [8D][:D

    ..hey but theres always another fish in the sea… LOL [:0)]



    Profile photo of KewlDude


    Now everybody is just getting upset!!! There is a ‘little trick’ to Dino’s & my ‘high score’ so, everybody who got under 70, please go back to the site again and try this………..

    Don’t go madly clicking around the screen in a desperate attempt to click on as many circles as you possibly can, rather click on the start button then an quickly as possible move your mouse to the closest circle possible then click away – ie you only need to click on one circle 101 times – not the other way around!

    Seriously guys – no fibs

    You just gotta ‘think outside the square’


    PS – a faster mouse helps – I wouldn’t have been able to get 101 from my desktop PC.

    Profile photo of DinoWeb


    So how foolish do I feel – it says it at the top – HIT THE DOT.[:I

    Here I was just clicking away and not realising that the minus sign meant a bad score. So the best I have done is 93 clicks in 30 seconds.

    New best score 35.


    “If you don’t know where you are going, every road will take you there.”

    Profile photo of KewlDude

    Ahhh! It seems my attention to detail was also very poor! [:(

    I’m a goose, and I’m sorry!! – I’ll get back in my box now![:I


    Profile photo of melbear

    Hey Kewl Dude

    Thanks for that! Now I don’t feel quite so inadequate![:O


    Profile photo of DinoWeb

    Ok, in a poor attempt to get back some much needed credibility, I actually have a real best score of 40.

    I’m still blushing from my previous mistake.

    Oh well, back to work.


    “If you don’t know where you are going, every road will take you there.”

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