All Topics / Forum Frolic / Work Ball Theme Suggestions

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  • Profile photo of Arty


    We are having a “Ball” for the people at work, and the social club is looking for suggestions on what to do.[?][?]

    Have you got any theme ideas for a Ball. Ie, fancy dress, Halloween,..etc[;)

    I need:
    LOCATION: In Melbourne (about 300ish people)


    LOCATION: Docklands
    THEME: Halloween
    NOTES: Dress as scary halloween creatures, prizes for best costume, games like find the cross in the bushes…finger food made in the shape of “fingers”..etc.




    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    a vintage Aloha Hawaii theme!!!

    ….boys in hawaii shirts, girls in muu muus…sarongs etc…
    flowers in hair….

    entertainment – firewalking, fire-pois, hawaiian band w. ukuleles (tongan/rarotongan/tahitian band sounds similar..)
    hawaiian or tahitian dancing….the MC is ‘elvis goes to hawaii’…
    meanwhile on screen at back, old movies and tv shows featuring 70’s and 80’s hawaii screen, sound off…

    luau food…roast pig on spit, salads, tropical fruit…other ‘american’ food i.e. baked potatos, spare ribs, waldorf salad, chinese-american food i,e, chinese chicken salad with crispy noodles .tiki-bar, grass hut decor…outdoor patio heaters or braziers…

    drinks served in coconuts…

    or you could make it more ;island paradise’; themed and not so specifically hawaii.

    but hawaii is so gloriously tacky….
    volcano pavlova or ice-cream bombe for dessert…
    real flower leis on arrival…scented frangipani or jasmine or similar strewn on tables for decoration and aroma….

    albert park has lots of nightclub-venues

    or just put a huge marquee us somewhere picturesque
    torches stuck in the ground to light the way

    or you could do a lord of the rings dinner, all medieval food, eating with fingers, open fire-pit and minstrels, dim lighting – all candles
    medieval dancing

    Profile photo of Arty

    Thank you Mini !…

    I like the Medievil idea.. LOL [:D

    Come on forumites….
    Any more suggestions… ?




    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 60

    I guess it depends how prudish your company is.

    fetish is always a good one.

    or toned down – naughty or nice.

    cant help with the locations.

    NZ Property Investing News

    Profile photo of FatBoyFatBoy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 185

    We did a “Pimps and Prostitutes” theme once – the guys loved it, the girls weren’t so sure…
    Go figure huh ?? [:D

    Toga parties are good too – fake beards and sunnnies and you can insult people without fear of retribution… [:0)]


    “The only thing you get from looking backwards is a sore neck…”

    Profile photo of Arty

    ..yes I suggested a ball with G-Strings !!. [:D

    It got laughed at.. LOL [:D

    A toga party may be a good thing…[;)



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