All Topics / General Property / Positive geared property

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  • Profile photo of catherine

    Hi everyone, I am interested in buying positive geared property. Can someone give me a run down on how to crunch the numbers. And any tips on where to look for property that can give a positive return would be appreciated. Kate[:D]

    Profile photo of Dingo21Dingo21
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 25

    My suggestion would be to get Steve’s book read through the example and then try it for yourself. Basically your look at how much cash you get back from the cash you invest.

    As for finding the properties that’s the next step. The internet is good way to find a few properties and work through the number so have a look at,,

    As you can see from the many threads here the only way to find the properties is to get out there. First step would be to look at anywhere in a 1hr radius from where you live (if in Sydney I would suggest 2hrs). Select a prospective town, do your research on employment, housing, schools, etc and then get out there, walk around and find out. The deals are there you just need to find them.

    Although I would not suggest this deal to a novice investor but as an example of positive cash flow properties have a look at todays AFR page 51 commercial shop Rent $29.5k pa, $567 per week plus outgoings. Price $420,000…….doesn’t meet Steve’s 11 second rule but on a 20% deposit that would be a +cf of around 6k per year or 7.2%pa.

    And that was just from browsing the paper!!

    And no I’m not the RE or the owner..this was just an example that properties are there!!!

    Profile photo of catherine


    My suggestion would be to get Steve’s book read through the example and then try it for yourself. Basically your look at how much cash you get back from the cash you invest.

    As for finding the properties that’s the next step. The internet is good way to find a few properties and work through the number so have a look at,,

    As you can see from the many threads here the only way to find the properties is to get out there. First step would be to look at anywhere in a 1hr radius from where you live (if in Sydney I would suggest 2hrs). Select a prospective town, do your research on employment, housing, schools, etc and then get out there, walk around and find out. The deals are there you just need to find them.

    Although I would not suggest this deal to a novice investor but as an example of positive cash flow properties have a look at todays AFR page 51 commercial shop Rent $29.5k pa, $567 per week plus outgoings. Price $420,000…….doesn’t meet Steve’s 11 second rule but on a 20% deposit that would be a +cf of around 6k per year or 7.2%pa.

    And that was just from browsing the paper!!

    And no I’m not the RE or the owner..this was just an example that properties are there!!!

    Profile photo of catherine

    Dingo 21, thank you for your reply. I have ordered Steve’s book and I will now put in the time to read and do my research over the net. thanks for taking the time. Kate

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