All Topics / General Property / Melbourne Investors

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  • Profile photo of JoshwalyJoshwaly
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 39

    Hi all…

    I have taken the idea from another subject however i think it makes for good practice.

    I have written many times that i am a student and cant afford a deposit bla bla bla not the point

    however i have found great ways and developed my own system of finding +ive cash flow properties i would like to converse with anyone interested in having a look at what i have found and seeing if infact i am on the right track.

    I have researched and found positive cash flows and would like to share these with anyone that has a method of finding out if it is infact cash positive. I am not reffering to an 11 second rule but more extensive.

    Please email for any questions or reply and we can compare notes someone as the saying goes two brains are better than one… im sure it goes something like that!?

    Regards Josh!

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